- QR-子流形QR-submanifolds
- 混合全拟脐QR-子流形mixed totally umbilical QR-submanifolds
- 子midnight
- 设M是欧几里德空间E~(m+p)或球S~(m+p)中的m维封闭子流形,T_(?)Let M be a closed m-dimensional submanifold in the Euclidean space (or sphere Sm+p).
- 复射影空间中法丛平坦的全实伪脐子流形Totally Real Pseudo-umbilical Submanifolds with Flat Normal Bundle of Complex Projective Space
- 局部对称黎曼流形中具有平行中曲率向量的子流形The Submanifolds with Parallel Mean Curvature Vector in A Locally Symmetric Riemannian Manifold
- 局部对称共形平坦黎曼流形中紧致子流形的一个刚性定理A Rigidity Theorem on Compact Submanifolds in a Locally Symmetric, Conformally Flat Riemannian Manifold
- 闭子流形closed submanifold
- 脐子流形umbilical submanifold
- 紧致流形上连续流的吸引子的一个通有性质General property of attractor of continuous flows on compact manifold
- 子流形submanifold
- 子流形族family of submanifolds
- 全测地子流形totally geodesic submanifold
- 完全脐子流形totally umbilicalsubmanifold
- 紧子流形compact submanifold
- 正则子流形regularsubmanifold
- 平坦子流形flat submanifold
- 解析子流形analytic submanifold
- 浸入子流形immersed submanifold
- 子流形几何学geometry of submanifold