[set]     [set]    
  • v. 放置;设定;确定;规定;调整;分配;(太阳)落下去;将(宝石)镶嵌到(某物);配乐
  • n. 集合;组合;日落;一套;一副;一局比赛;舞台;姿态;头发的定型
  • adj. 规定的;固定的;不变的;做好准备的;固执的;不自然的
set set setting sets



v. (动词)
  1. 安排
  2. 安置,调整,整理
  3. 设置
  4. 使处于
  5. 下沉
  6. 安装
  7. 接合
  8. 孵蛋
  9. 出发,动身,启程
  10. 结(果实、籽等)
  11. 规定
  12. 放,搁,置,贴,靠,落
  13. 竖立
  14. 使接触
  15. 使坐落
  16. 为设置背景
  17. 凝固,凝结
  18. 布置
  19. 使就座
  20. 使凝结
  21. 衰落
  22. 树立
  23. 确定
  24. 镶嵌
  25. 使开始
  26. 定型,固定
  27. 指定
  28. 陈述,阐明
  29. 引发
  30. 偏西
  31. 使着手做
  32. 校正,调正
  33. 装置
  34. 着手于,开始
  35. 固着,不褪
  36. 趋向
n. (名词)
  1. 布景
  2. 姿势
  3. 摄影场
  4. 一伙人
  5. 阶层
  6. 凝结
  7. 收音机
  8. 电视机
  9. 插枝
  10. 一盘比赛
  11. 爵士乐组
  12. 发型
  13. 一盘,一套,一副
  14. 球茎
  15. 下沉
adj. (形容词)
  1. 固定的,确定的,不变的
  2. 指定的
  3. 规定的,既定的
  4. 固执的,顽固的,下定决心的,强硬的,坚决的
  5. 准备好的
  6. 很有可能的
  7. 呆板的
  8. 装好的
  9. 预定的
  10. 不动的
  11. 急切的
abbr. (缩略词)
  1. =Selective Employment Tax 选择性职业税
  2. =Secure Electronic Transaction 【计】安全电子交易标准


v. (动词)
  1. vt. 放,搁置 put sth somewhere; fix; arrange
  2. vi. (日、月等)落,下沉 (sun, moon etc.) go down from the sky
  3. vi. (植物)结子,结果 (of plants) form and develop seed or fruit
n. (名词)
  1. [C] (一)套,(一)副 a group of similar things that belong together in some way
  2. [U] 装置,机组 device for receiving radio or television signals
adj. (形容词)
  1. 固定的 arranged in advance or settled
  2. 不变的 fixed and unchanging


  1. a group of things of the same kind that belong together and are so used;

    "a set of books"
    "a set of golf clubs"
    "a set of teeth"

  2. (mathematics) an abstract collection of numbers or symbols;

    "the set of prime numbers is infinite"

  3. several exercises intended to be done in series;

    "he did four sets of the incline bench press"

  4. representation consisting of the scenery and other properties used to identify the location of a dramatic production;

    "the sets were meticulously authentic"

  5. an unofficial association of people or groups;

    "the smart set goes there"
    "they were an angry lot"

  6. a relatively permanent inclination to react in a particular way;

    "the set of his mind was obvious"

  7. the act of putting something in position;

    "he gave a final set to his hat"

  8. a unit of play in tennis or squash;

    "they played two sets of tennis after dinner"

  9. the process of becoming hard or solid by cooling or drying or crystallization;

    "the hardening of concrete"
    "he tested the set of the glue"

  10. evil Egyptian god with the head of a beast that has high square ears and a long snout; brother and murderer of Osiris

  11. the descent of a heavenly body below the horizon;

    "before the set of sun"

  12. (psychology) being temporarily ready to respond in a particular way;

    "the subjects' set led them to solve problems the familiar way and to overlook the simpler solution"
    "his instructions deliberately gave them the wrong set"

  13. any electronic equipment that receives or transmits radio or tv signals;

    "the early sets ran on storage batteries"

  1. (usually followed by `to' or `for') on the point of or strongly disposed;

    "in no fit state to continue"
    "fit to drop"
    "laughing fit to burst"
    "she was fit to scream"
    "primed for a fight"
    "we are set to go at any time"

  2. fixed and unmoving;

    "with eyes set in a fixed glassy stare"
    "his bearded face already has a set hollow look"
    "a face rigid with pain"

  3. situated in a particular spot or position;

    "valuable centrally located urban land"
    "strategically placed artillery"
    "a house set on a hilltop"
    "nicely situated on a quiet riverbank"

  4. set down according to a plan:

    "a carefully laid table with places set for four people"
    "stones laid in a pattern"

  5. being below the horizon;

    "the moon is set"

  6. determined or decided upon as by an authority;

    "date and place are already determined"
    "the dictated terms of surrender"
    "the time set for the launching"

  7. converted to solid form (as concrete)

  1. put into a certain place or abstract location;

    "Put your things here"
    "Set the tray down"
    "Set the dogs on the scent of the missing children"
    "Place emphasis on a certain point"

  2. fix conclusively or authoritatively;

    "set the rules"

  3. decide upon or fix definitely;

    "fix the variables"
    "specify the parameters"

  4. establish as the highest level or best performance;

    "set a record"

  5. put into a certain state; cause to be in a certain state;

    "set the house afire"

  6. fix in a border;

    "The goldsmith set the diamond"

  7. make ready or suitable or equip in advance for a particular purpose or for some use, event, etc;

    "Get the children ready for school!"
    "prepare for war"
    "I was fixing to leave town after I paid the hotel bill"

  8. set to a certain position or cause to operate correctly;

    "set clocks or instruments"

  9. locate;

    "The film is set in Africa"

  10. disappear beyond the horizon;

    "the sun sets early these days"

  11. adapt for performance in a different way;

    "set this poem to music"

  12. put or set (seeds, seedlings, or plants) into the ground;

    "Let's plant flowers in the garden"

  13. apply or start;

    "set fire to a building"

  14. become gelatinous;

    "the liquid jelled after we added the enzyme"

  15. set in type;

    "My book will be typeset nicely"
    "set these words in italics"

  16. put into a position that will restore a normal state;

    "set a broken bone"

  17. insert (a nail or screw below the surface, as into a countersink)

  18. give a fine, sharp edge to a knife or razor

  19. urge to attack someone;

    "The owner sicked his dogs on the intruders"
    "the shaman sics sorcerers on the evil spirits"

  20. estimate;

    "We put the time of arrival at 8 P.M."

  21. equip with sails or masts;

    "rig a ship"

  22. get ready for a particular purpose or event;

    "set up an experiment"
    "set the table"
    "lay out the tools for the surgery"

  23. alter or regulate so as to achieve accuracy or conform to a standard;

    "Adjust the clock, please"
    "correct the alignment of the front wheels"

  24. bear fruit;

    "the apple trees fructify"

  25. arrange attractively;

    "dress my hair for the wedding"



用作动词 (v.)
  1. He set aside the book and lit a cigarette.
  2. How do we set the enrollment criteria?
  3. We have set the date for the wedding.
  4. We set a limit on the expenses of the trip.
  5. These instruments have been finely set.
  6. The manager set various tasks to the clerks.
  7. I saw the sun set down inch by inch in the courtyard.
  8. She had the sapphire set in a gold ring.
  9. pig sty
用作名词 (n.)
  1. It may be a very simple or complicated set of instructions.
  2. The set of types is the combined set from the two properties.
  3. The sun has rise and set.
  4. I received a set of gardening tools on my birthday.
  5. She has a set of false teeth.
  6. How many points is the winner to get before one set ends?
  7. The cast must all be on the set by 7 in the moring.
  8. She admired the firm set of his jaw.
用作形容词 (adj.)
  1. Please follow the set procedures when you use this product.
  2. There is no set time limit on this.
  3. He is old and stubborn and set in his ways.
  4. Are you set for the party tonight?
  5. As people get older, they get set in their ways.
  6. His face took on a set expression.


用作动词 (v.)
set about1( v.+adv. )
    〈非正〉散布(谣言) spread bad news, rumors, etc.
    set sth ⇔ about

    Someone is always setting stories about that the Prince is to be married.


set about2( v.+prep. )
    攻击(某人),抨击(某人) attack sb verbally or physically
    set about n\u002e/v-ing

    How should we set about our work?


    We set about our task at once with great enthusiasm.


    I must set about my packing.


    Mother set about making tea.


    He set about writing his report.


    He asked me how he should set about learning the German language.


    I will set about seeing him off.


    set about sb

    If those boys steal any more of my fruit,I'll set about them with my spade.


    In a very forceful speech he set about his critics.


    Don't set about him; he doesn't know what's been going on.


set above( v.+prep. )
    认为…高于… consider sth/sb as being more important or worthy of attention than sth/sb elseMothers are well-known for setting the needs of the family above their own interests.众所周知,做母亲的总是把家庭需要置于个人的利益之上。
set across( v.+prep. )
    把…横在…上 place or move sth/sb into place or move sth/sb into a position across sth
    set sb/sth across sth

    If you do that again,I'll set you across my knee and beat you.


set against( v.+prep. )
    (使)与…为敌; 反对… make sb an enemy of sb else; oppose sth firmly
    set sb/sth against sb/sth

    Set the sleeping child against his brother.


    I set the basket against the door, hoping that the housekeeper would find it.


    The plank was set against the wall.


    set against sth

    The trees looked bare and threatening, set against the darkening sky.


    set sth against sth

    Diamonds look best when they are set against black cloth.


    set sth against sth

    Setting the results against those of the last election, we can see a clear improvement.


    set sth against sth

    We must set the cost against the advantages of the new invention.


    But there is a disadvantage to be set against this fact.


    set sb/sth against sb/sth

    The civil war set brother against brother.


    She accused her husband of setting their children against her.


set ahead( v.+adv. )
    往前拨 move the hands of a clock or watch to a later timeIn spring we usually set the clocks ahead one hour to take advantage of the summer daylight.春季我们通常把钟往前拨一小时以充分利用夏天的白昼。
set among( v.+prep. )
    把…置于…中 place sth/sb in the middle of a group
    set sb/sth among sb/sth

    If you set the boy among all those tall children, he looks even shorter.


    Let's set some white flowers among the blue ones.


set apart( v.+adv. )
    突出,区别 make noticeable or outstanding; distinguishHer bright red scarf set her apart from the other girls.她那鲜红的围巾使她在姑娘们中间显得特别突出。
set aside( v.+adv. )
    留出 keep sth for sthHe tries to set aside at least half an hour every day for jogging.他尽量每天留出半个小时用于慢跑。
set at( v.+prep. )
    认为…没有价值 consider sth to be of little value
    set sth at sth

    The worshippers set their sacrifices at the feet of the god.


    set sth at sth

    The rate of interest is set at 11.5%.


    set sth at sth

    I set the value of the horse at 134 pounds.


    His income can be set at £9000 a year.


    set one's cap at sb

    It's no use that new secretary set her cap at the director, he's not interested in women.


    set sth at defiance

    One mustn't set the law at defiance.


    The prisoner's refusal to answer has set the court at defiance, and he must be punished.


    set sb at his ease

    His behaviour did nothing to set me at my ease.


    set sth at naught

    Most election promises can be set at naught.


    All our victories are set at naught if we lose sight of our principles.


set back( v.+adv. )
    花费 costHow much did your new bicycle set you back?你的新自行车花掉了你多少钱?
set before( v.+prep. )
    提出…供…参考 offer sth such as an idea for consideration or approval by sb or a group in powerThe government has set two choices before the voter.政府为选民提供两项选择。
set beside( v.+prep. )
    把…与…相比较 compare sth/sb with sth/sbSet beside the attractions of a place with continuous sunshine, living in this city seems very dull.与一个总是阳光明媚的地方相比,这个城市的生活显得十分阴郁。
set by1( v.+adv. )
    留出,拨出 save (usually money or time)I set the whole afternoon by for work on the book.我留出整整一个下午的时间来攻读那本书。
set by2( v.+prep. )
    把…置于…旁边 place beside sth/sb
    set sb/sth by sb/sth

    The mother set the toy gently by the side of the sleeping child.


    Please set these chairs by the window.


set down( v.+adv. )
    标出 mark sth on a plan, map, etc.
    set sb/sth ⇔ down

    He set down the heavy box and rested for a while.


    He set me down in a comfortable chair.


    They bought some drinks at the bar then set themselves down at a table.


    The desk was set down before the window.


    set sth ⇔ down

    We had to set down the rules for the behaviour of the members.


    You knew the hearing was set down today.


    set down

    We set down in a heavy fog.


    set sth ⇔ down

    The pilot was able to set the damaged plane down safely in a field.


    set sb ⇔ down

    Please set me down at the street corner.


    The second passenger asked to be set down at the church.


    set sth ⇔ down

    She listened attentively and set down every word he said.


    set sth ⇔ down

    The areas of future redevelopment are set down clearly on the map.


set down as( v.+adv.+prep. )
    把…认作为 judge sb to be a certain kind of personAs the man had rough hands,I set him down as a farm worker.这人双手粗糙,我认为他是个农场工人。
set down for( v.+adv.+prep. )
    为…确定… fix (a date) for (an event such as a trial); decide to hold (an event such as a trial) on (a certain day)
    set sth ⇔ down for sth

    13 April has been set down for the trial.


    Monday has been set down for the next meeting.


set down to( v.+adv.+prep. )
    把…归于… consider sth to be the result of sth
    set sth ⇔ down to sth

    I set his bad temper down to his recent illness.


set fire to
    放火烧,使着火 make sth catch fire
set for( v.+prep. )
    为…准备 prepare a table for a mealCan you set the table for supper?你摆好桌子准备吃晚饭好吗?
set forth( v.+adv. )
    展示,陈列 exhibit or display
    set forth

    They set forth on their bike at once after breakfast.


    The troop set forth on their ten-mile hike early.


    They set forth in three small boats.


    set forth sth

    The Prime Minister set forth the aims of his government in a television broadcast.


    In his preface the author set forth his reasons for writing the book.


    His views were fully set forth in a written statement.


    set forth sth

    Many newly-unearthed cultural relics are set forth in the exhibition hall.


set forward( v.+adv. )
    往前拨 move or change (sth such as an event) to an earlier time or date
    set sth ⇔ forward

    Why not set the table forward?


    set forward

    The climbers set forward towards the mountain in bright weather.


    set sth ⇔ forward

    He set forward several practical proposals.


    The committee's plans are set forward in the report.


    set sth ⇔ forward

    We shall have to set the meeting forward because of the holiday next week.


    set sth ⇔ forward

    Please set forward your watches an hour.


set in1( v.+adv. )
    驶向岸边 move towards the shore
    set sth ⇔ in

    The builders set the panels in very carefully.


    Set the glass in carefully so that it fits the window frame exactly.


    set in

    Commerce in the urban districts has been carried on smoothly since winter set in.


    Fungus set in and killed the plants.


    You'd better paint the woodwork before decay sets in.


    An infection has set in, and his leg will have to be removed.


    set sth ⇔ in

    You'd better set in the sleeves first.


    set sth ⇔ in

    The scenery does not fill the space properly, we should set in an additional piece here.


    The novel is set in pre-war London.


    set sth ⇔ in

    The next three sentences should be set in.


    set in

    The wind began to set in at noon.


    The wind set in strongly.


    The current sets in towards the shore.


    set sth ⇔ in

    The captain set the ship in.


    It's time to set the ship in.


set in2( v.+prep. )
    排字 arrange for printing用于 be ~ed 结构
set off( v.+adv. )
    点燃,爆炸 become ignited; explode
    set off

    When shall he set off tomorrow?


    We will set off at six o'clock tomorrow morning.


    They've set off on a trip round the world.


    We set off at dawn so that we could get to the coast before lunch time.


    Chichester set off once more in spite of his friends' attempts to dissuade him.


    set sb/sth ⇔ off

    She had stopped crying but his shouting set her off again.


    That strike set off a series of strikes throughout the country.


    set sb ⇔ off v-ing

    That set all of them off laughing again.


    Don't mention the war! You'll set grandfather off reminiscing for hours.


    set sth ⇔ off

    The gold frame sets off the painting very well.


    That dress sets off her jewellery to perfection.


    Her great wealth, as he thought, set off her plain face.


    set sth ⇔ off

    Be careful that you don't set the fireworks off by mistake.


    The children are setting fireworks off in the garden.


set on1( v.+adv. )
    开始雇用 begin employing (sb)
    set on

    The enemy is near us; now, set on!


    set sb ⇔ on

    He tried in vain to set on the crew of the ship to rebellion.


    I refuse to have that child to the party, he always sets the others on.


    set sb ⇔ on

    Trade was so good that the firm was able to set on more workers.


set on2( v.+prep. )
    攻击(某人) attack (sb)
    set sth on sth

    Set the plates gently on the table, they are very delicate.


    He set his hand on my shoulder comfortingly.


    He set the camera on automatic.


    set sth on sb

    I'll set my dog on you if you don't leave at once!


    He set the dog on the thief.


    set on sb

    The youths set on the old man and robbed him.


    She was set on by a thief in the park.


set out( v.+adv. )
    安排,组织 arrange or organize sth
    set out for somewhere

    They set out immediately for Rome.


    They set out for Britain yesterday.


    Early the next morning he set out on foot for Changsha.


    set out to-v

    The government has set out to make many needed reforms.


    set sth ⇔ out

    He set out all the pieces on the floor.


    John expects to have an opportunity to set out his plan at the next meeting.


    The room is set out with pictures.


    All the sales were set out on the stall.


    My plans for the firm have been set out in this document.


set to1( v.+adv. )
    打起来,吵起来 begin fighting or quarrellingTwo angry women set to and began to pull each other's hair.两个愤怒的女人相互吵架并开始彼此抓住头发厮打。
set to2( v.+prep. )
    谱曲 compose music for
    set sb/sth to sth

    She set a finger to her lips to signal silence.


    John set his lips to the class.


    He set a match to the dry timber.


    set to sb

    Set to your partner.


    set sth to sth

    The composer set a sonnet to music.


    Many of Burns's poems were set to music.


set up( v.+adv. )
    使恢复 begin or restore to normal healthYou need a holiday to set you up again after all that hard work. 干完那艰苦的工作之后,你需要有一个假期来恢复体力。
set up against( v.+adv.+prep. )
    决定与…竞争 decide to go into competition against (sb/sth)
    set sth ⇔ up against sb/sth

    Too much opposition was set up against the government's plan to control wages and prices, so that they had to cease it.


    set oneself up against sb/sth

    If you set yourself up against an international company of that size, you can expect failure.


set up as( v.+adv.+prep. )
    宣称是… claim (oneself) to be a certain kind of person
    set up as sb/sth

    It takes money to set up as a lawyer.


    set sb ⇔ up as sth

    His father lent him some money to set him up as a shoe-maker.


    set up as sb/sth

    He sets up as a leader in the scientific field, but many other scientists disagree with him.


set up with( v.+adv.+prep. )
    为…提供… provide (sb or a group) with (sth needed)
    set sb/sth ⇔ up with sth

    The new library can set me up with enough reading matter for a month at a time.


set with( v.+prep. )
    用…装饰… ornament sth with sth
    set sth with sth

    Her bracelet was set with emeralds.


    The sky was set with countless stars.


用作名词 (n.)
(a) set of
    一套,一伙 suit; suite; a band of people
make a dead set at
    设法得到 try to obtain sthJim intends to make a dead set at winning the tennis prize this year.吉姆打算设法赢得今年网球赛大奖。
the set of
    …的样式〔形状〕 the style of; the type of


用作动词 (v.)
~+名词 ~+副词 ~+介词
用作名词 (n.)
动词+~ 形容词+~ 名词+~ ~+介词
用作形容词 (adj.)
~+名词 ~+介词


  • A girl..who made a dead set at me.

    出自: Thackeray
  • A direct set upon Phil was made by the satirical young rogues.

    出自: A. Mayhew
  • Almost every member of the British Press made a dead set for the hosiery counter.

  • A set of smugglers, gipsies, and other desperadoes.

    出自: Sir W. Scott
  • He moved in a fast set of hard-smoking and hard-swearing cronies.

    出自: C. Connolly
  • All the her set round the village are buying Miele dishwashers.

    出自: M. Bradbury
  • A well-designed set out table!

    出自: B. H. Malkin
  • Those believers..who will with a set-apart ministry.

    出自: G. Priestland
  • Who setting us upon Camels, conducted us to Mazna.

    出自: S. Johnson
  • Set a beggar on horseback, and he'll ride to the Devil.

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