- (=solution) 凝固,固化soln.
- liposynⅡ solution乐补欣输液
- dobell’s solution复方硼砂溶液
- Hayems solution海姆氏液
- (=saturated solution) 饱和溶液sat.sol.
- (=physiological(saline)solution) 生理盐水溶液phys. sol.
- (=buffered Ringer's solution) 林格(氏)缓冲液BFR sol.
- Project Server 2007为EPM Solution提供核心服务。Project Server 2007 provides the core services for the EPM Solution.
- 您用于Microsoft Solution承载消息和协作(HMC)4.0。You use Microsoft Solution for Hosted Messaging and Collaboration (HMC) version 4.0.
- WSS用于在EPM Solution中提供问题、风险和文档管理功能。WSS is leveraged to provide issues, risks and document management functionality in the EPM Solution.
- EPM Solution可以实现项目工作组内部的有效沟通与协作。The EPM Solution enables effective communication and collaboration within project teams.
- (=merthiolate-formaldehyde(stock)solution) 硫柳汞-甲醛原液MF sol.
- (=colloidal gold curve solution(test)) 胶体金曲线溶液(试验)Gold sol.
- Office EPM Solution可满足组织协作项目和项目组合管理的需要。The Office EPM Solution addresses the needs for collaborative project and portfolio management in an organization.
- (=formalin, acetic, alcohol solution) 福尔马林、醋酸、酒精溶液FAA sol.
- 例如,Solution会返回一个Solution对象,而不是您可能期望的Solution2对象。For example, Solution returns a Solution object, not a Solution2 object as you might expect.
- (=potassium, sodium chloride, sodium lactate solution) 钾、氯化钠和乳酸钠溶液PSL sol.
- 要将其转换到.NET 2.0,在[Solution Explorer]窗格中打开[References]文件夹。To convert it to.NET 2.0, open up the References folder in the Solution Explorer pane.
- prototyping,small series and cardboard cutting solution-解决方案-时尚、服饰Prototyping, small series and cardboard cutting solution - solutions - fashion, apparel
- 用户无法下载脱机通讯簿Exchange 2007年有关承载消息和协作版本4.0使用Microsoft SolutionUsers cannot download offline address books in Exchange 2007 when you use Microsoft Solution for Hosted Messaging and Collaboration version 4.0