- Sung Dynasty Village Wax Museum in a display produced by the wax statue of famous Chinese history, with the size of a real person, visitors to understand China's history as a lively classroom. 宋城中有一座蜡像艺术馆,陈列着白蜡制作的中国历代名人塑像,与真人一般大小,成为游客了解中国历史的生动课堂。
- In Sung Dynasty, our ancestor Pao Ching...... 在宋朝,我们有个祖先叫包拯......
- The Sung Dynasty contributed three great inventions to world civilization. 宋朝为世界文明做出了三大发明的贡献。
- The craft arts of Sung Dynasty are famous for its delicacy and classicality. 两宋工艺美术以典雅优美著称。
- Movable type was invented by Pi Sheng in the Sung Dynasty between 1041 and 1048. 宋代1041到1048年间,毕升发明了活字印刷术。
- In the Sung Dynasty, Yian Shou combined the doctrine of Zen with the Tiantai doctrines of mind and evil nature. 禅教一致,融会天台宗的观心论和性恶说;明代,智旭主张融会诸宗,认为禅门之病,非天台不能救。
- Conducted two pottery workshops in Toronto. Designed and constructed a Sung Dynasty wood kiln. 在多伦多指导两个陶艺工作室。
- The famous calligraphist and painter Mi Fei of the Sung Dynasty went to the extent of hailing one stone as his “big brother. 著名的宋朝书法家画家米芾甚至和一块石头称兄道弟。
- Sung Dynasty is the most prosperous period of geomantic omen in history, which is the base of the theories, categories and schools of the later ages. 宋代风水是中国风水史上发展的鼎盛时期,后世风水的理论、范畴乃至流派差不多都在宋得以确立。
- Year 1115, Jinbing captured the city of Liaoning Huanglong House, and then made the Sung Dynasty, "the sea of UNITA," the anti-common. 公元1115年,金兵攻占辽国重镇黄龙府,随后又与宋朝订立"海上之盟",共同抗金。
- This essay deals with the origin of Oxthodox Skill of Five Thunders, which saw it s rise in the end of the Northern Sung dynasty. 文章对北宋末兴起的“五雷正法”之渊源作了初步探讨,提出自己的见解。
- Because the influence of the statecraft thoughts of the Yong-Jia School in the Sung Dynasty, Song shu was devoted to reform the absurd political and social system. 曾赴上海、南京与杭州等地游历,因亲眼目睹受战乱波及之城镇与上海租界的繁盛,其间强烈对比更坚定其改革精神。
- Many volumes, rather than pages, would be required to do justice to the statesmen, soldiers, philosophers, poets, historians, and other famous men of the Sung Dynasty. 要论述宋朝那些政治家、军人、哲学家、诗人、史学家和其他知名人士,用少量篇幅是不够的,恐怕要用若干卷帙才能说个分明。
- Louis Koo (The Suspect) and Cecilia Cheung (King of Comedy) are very funny in this Chinese adaptation of Shakespare's TAMING OF THE SHREW, set in China's Sung Dynasty. 宋朝有名美貌但火爆女子柳月娥,相亲多年仍未嫁,遇上风流潇洒的诗人陈季常,对她留深刻印象。
- Starring renowned diva Hsiao Nan-ying, it is a vivid dramatization of the 13th century Sung Dynasty battle that pitted the legendary General Chang Ta against the Mongol hordes. 本片是家传户晓之潮剧戏宝,故事背景发生于南宋末年,元军攻陷临安,宋帝南逃至广东崖门,遭逢元军围困,危在旦夕,下诏张达将军(丁敏饰)起兵勤王。
- Moreover, the Sung Dynasty still had a medieval language system.It has rich sounds, intonation alone has seven variations , quite similar to the modern Hakka dialect. 另外宋朝的语音还处于中古语音系统,语音非常丰富,光声调就有七个,和今天的客家话是非常接近。
- No sooner had we left the village than it began to rain. 我们刚离开村子,天就下起雨来了。
- I know where the picturesque old-world village is. 我知道那个风景如画的古老村寨在哪儿。
- Our enemy is probably still cherishing fond dreams of emulating the Mongol conquest of the Sung Dynasty,the Manchu conquest of the Ming Dynasty,the British occupation of North America and India,the Latin occupation of Cen tral and South America,etc. 我们的敌人大概还在那里做元朝灭宋、清朝灭明、英占北美和印度、拉丁系国家占中南美等等的好梦。
- The road to the village branches off on the right. 通往该村的道路向右转为一条小路。