- 有些传统的IP骨干网是基于SONET(SDH)的IP/ATM/SONET网络。Some traditional IP backbone networks are IP/ATM/SONET architecture.
- 下一代IP骨干网的扩展性和生存性探讨Discussion on Scalability and Survivability of Next Generation IP Backbone Network
- IP骨干网交换机的选型分析Choose the Type Analysis of Bankban Switches in Campus IP
- IP骨干网中的服务质量管理QoS Management in the IP Backbone
- IP技术在吉林省IP骨干网和城域网的应用研究Application Research of IP Technology in Jinlin Province IP Backbone Net and MAN
- tcp/IP软件TCP/IP software
- TCP/IP栈TCP/IP stack
- TCP/IP协议栈TCP/IP protocol stack
- tcp/IP协议组TCP/IP protocol suite
- IP城域网骨干网建设方案的探讨Discussion on Construction solutions of the Backbone of IP Metropolitan Area Network
- TCP/IP通讯TCP/IP Communication
- TCP/IP内核TCP/IP kernel
- PWLAN安全体系中,接入控制器在无线接入网与固定IP骨干网之间充当Internet网关功能, 将需要访问控制的局域网与Internet连接起来,它集成了用户认证、访问控制、计费采集、网络管理等功能。In the secure architecture of PWLAN, access controller (AC), which acts as the Internet gateway between the wireless access network and the fixed IP backbone, connects the LANs with the Internet. Access controller contains all necessary elements including user authentication, access control, billing information collection, network management and so on.
- TCP/IP模型TCP/IP model
- TCP/IP性能TCP/IP performance
- TCP/IP技术TCP/IP technique
- TCP/IP协议TCP/IP protocol
- TCP/IP协议TCP/IP protocol