- Carbon filled TFE has a natural pigment of BLACK. 碳填充TFE具有天然黑色素。
- Virgin TFE resin has a natural pigment of WHITE. 纯TFE树脂具有天然的白色色素。
- CNI is Chemical Nickel Impregnation with TFE overcoat. CNI经过化学镍浸渍,并涂敷聚四氟乙烯。
- Polyvinylidene fluoride(PVDF) is polymer of VDF and few TFE. 聚偏氟乙烯(PVDF)是由偏氟乙烯(VDF)和少量四氟乙烯(TFE)共聚制得的氟聚合物。
- Virgin TFE is a good all-around, general purpose seating material. 纯TFE是一种很好的、多用途、通用的阀座材料。
- Solid TFE Packing - Optional on all NIBCO bronze valves when specified. 固体TFE填料 - 如果特别指定,所有美国尼伯科公司的青铜阀门都可以选择这种材料。
- Best choice for low pressure sealing, lowest torque of all TFE polymers. 低压密封的最好选择,所有TFE聚合物的扭矩最低。
- Tfe canal loves to think that rivers exist nsolely to supply it with water. 自以为是的人真可笑。没有谁是为谁而存在的。
- Some trifluoethoxylpyridine ether derivatives were successfully synthesized by reacting 4-nitro-pyridine-N-oxide derivatives with trifluoroethanol in the presence of alkali. 在催化剂碘化亚铜作用下,用卤代芳烃衍生物与2,2,2-三氟乙醇钠进行反应,制得芳烃三氟乙基醚。
- The shaft shall be guided by glass-filled TFE bearings to protect against deflection. 阀杆应该由玻璃填充TFE轴承引导以确保不会偏移。
- Alloy Iron Valves are furnished with TFE Braided packing and Synthetic Fibre gaskets. 合金铸铁阀门配置编织TFE填料和合成纤维垫圈。
- Model-C design features, under the TFE seats at both ends of the valve, ensure no leakage around the back-side of the seats. 型号C结构特点,在于阀门两端的TFE阀座,确保阀座后侧周围没有泄漏。
- FLOW externally molded onto the body to indicate the fixed end containing a TFE seat. 流向)模铸在阀体的外部,表示配置TFE阀座的固定端口。
- On the other hand, the mass fraction of TFE in the initial solution decreases and saves the cost of solution. 充注溶液所需TFE质量分数降低,溶液初投资减小等。
- Romance is built on illusion, and when we love someone, we love tfe illusion they have created for us. 浪漫植根于幻觉之上,而当我们爱上某个人时,我们也爱上他为我们营造的幻觉。
- Optional "live loaded" packing energizes the TFE braid while providing an extra tight elastomeric seal. 可供选择的“动负载”密封填料充分发挥编织TFE的性能,实现超级紧密的弹性密封效果。
- Carl Denhe\'refinish this movie, dedicate this movie to hd give the profits tfe and kids. 卡尔?丹汉姆:我们一定要完成这部影片,将影片献给他,所有盈利都分给他的老婆孩子。
- The analysis of mathematical statistics has indicated that main fac- tors for successful smelting are hearth temperature and the ratio of SiO_2/ TFe. 小型试验和数理统计分析表明,影响高炉冶炼25%25硅铁的主要因素是炉缸温度和入炉原料中 SiO_2与 TFe 之重量比。
- Engineered for a long, lubrication-free service life, NIBCO NDA and NSR actuators combine O-rings and TFE seals to create a durable, low-friction seal. 由于采用长期、无润滑使用寿命设计机构,美国尼伯科NDA和NSR执行机构结合O形环和TFE密封构成一个经久耐用、低摩擦密封。
- Mineralogy and selective flocculation-magnetic separation of a nickel metallurgical residue(TFe about 50%) were studied. 对某镍冶金渣(铁含量接近50%25)进行工艺矿物学及选择性絮凝-磁选研究。