- Takagi Takeo 高木健夫(1905-),日本人,记者、评论家。
- By 1905, he was the leader of Fauve movement. 到了1905年,他已是野兽派动物的领袖人物。
- Our house was built sometime around 1905. 我们的房子建造于一九五年前后。
- It became a province of Canada in 1905. 它于1905年成为加拿大的一个省份。
- He and madame the elinor married in 1905. 他和夫人埃莉诺于1905年结婚。
- The tsarist government closed down the newspaper in December 1905. 沙皇政府在1905年12月封闭了这家报馆。
- Mr Takagi has worked the same news beat for six years. 塔卡基先生负责指定领域的采访任务已达六年之久。
- Einstein's suggestion in 1905 astonished most of his colleagues. 爱因斯坦1905年提出的想法使他的大多数同行瞠目结舌。
- Asano Takeo Nagashima Rei Ishikawa Kyozo Fuyuki Taiz. 主演: Kokuten Kodo 月形龙之介 Saburo Sawai Shinjir.
- The other team members, not in this photo, are Sato and Takagi. 此相片有备注。将滑鼠放置在相片上方即可查看备注。
- The first Expressionist group gathered at Dresden in 1905. 第一个表现主义团体于1905年在德累斯顿成立。
- In May, 1905, the Russian Navy was attacked at Tsushima. 1905年5月,俄罗斯海军在对马岛遭到攻击。
- Karl-Friedrich Merten was born in Posen on 15th August 1905. 网友解答: 1905年8月15日卡尔、佛里德瑞驰、莫顿出生在颇森。
- Here's where the Japanese beat the Russians in 1905. 这就是日本人1905年击败俄国人的地方。
- But in 1905 submicroscopic molecules also gripped his attention. 不过在1905年时,微观的分子也抓住了他的视线。
- In 1905, Einstein began to write articles about physics. 1905年,爱因斯坦开始写关于物理的文章。
- Two hundred years of family tradition led Hibino Takeo into Chinese studies. 二百年家学渊源,导引日比野走入汉学研究。
- The imperialist examinations system was abolished in 1905. 科举制是在1905年废止的。
- Please takeo ote that we have recently removed to the above address. 我公司最近已迁到上述地址,特此通告。
- Jules Verne died in 1905,long before any of his dreams came true. 儒勒.;凡尔纳逝世于1905年,久于他的任何一个梦想成真的时间。