- Tanaka回归模型Tanaka regression model
- Mori-Tanaka方法Mori-Tanaka method
- Tanaka-Meyer公式Tanaka-Meyer formula
- 楼房管理员Tanaka先生帮了大忙。Mr. Tanaka, the superintendent, was very helpful.
- 蒂塞利乌斯,A.W.K.(1902-1971)Arne Wilhelm Kaurin Tiselius (1902~1971)
- 接: TANAKA(田中)小姐在等你讲话了。Miss Tanaka is on the line.
- 布尔战争(1899-1902)的地图遗产The Cartographic Legacy of the Anglo-Boer War
- 伊: 我要接TANAKA(田中)小姐。T-A-N-A-K-A。I want to talk to Miss Tanaka, T-A-N-A-K-A.
- 美国政治漫画家(1840-1902)。American political cartoonist (1840-1902).
- 从山西大学堂到山西大学(1902-1937)From Shanxi Academy to Shanxi University (1902-1937)
- 德鲁蒙德·德·安德拉德,C.(1902-)Carlos Drummond de Andrade (1902~)
- der (1985),Guy Cook (1992),Tanaka Keico (1994),Angela Goddard (1998) 和黄国文 (2001)。der (1985), Guy Cook (1992), Tanaka Keico (1994), Angela Goddard (1998) and Huang Guowen (2001).
- 梦想 郎斯顿·休斯(1902-1967) 王道余译Dreams by Langston Hughes (1902-1967)
- 菲尔绍,鲁道夫1821-1902德国病理学家和医生,以他对细胞理论的贡献和疾病研究而著名German physician and pathologist known for his contributions to cell theory and the study of disease.
- Schroder (1985), Guy Cook(1992), Tanaka Keico(1994), Anglela Goddard(1998) 周怡 & 周晓 (1998) , 黄国文(2001) 等等.Schroder (1985), Guy Cook(1992), TanakaKeico(1994), Anglela Goddard(1998) Zhou Yi & Zhou Xiao (1998) , Huang Guowen(2001)and so on.
- (1840-1902)法国小说家和评论家;“德莱弗斯案件”的辩护者。(1840-1902) French novelist and critic; defender of Dreyfus.
- 悉尼 - 胡克(1902-1989)是最杰出的美国政治哲学家之一。Sidney Hook (1902-1989) is one of the America's most outstanding political philosophers.
- 采用二元系Miedema生成热模型及其Tanaka过剩熵修正和三元系Chou几何模型 ,分析了稀土元素La与Sn Pb软钎料合金体系中组元元素的相互作用关系。By means of the Miedema formation energy model for binary system with the Tanaka modification by excess entropy and the Chou geometric model for ternary system, the interaction relation between rare earth element La and the constituent elements of Sn Pb alloy system was analyzed.
- 阿尔德,库尔特1902-1958德国化学家,因其有关有机物结构的发现而获1950年的诺贝尔奖German chemist. He shared a1950 Nobel Prize for discoveries concerning the structure of organic matter.
- 宾,鲁道夫生于1902奥地利裔乐团经理,1950-1972年经营纽约大都会歌剧院Austrian-born impresario who managed(1950-1972) the Metropolitan Opera in New York City.