- Tanaka回归模型Tanaka regression model
- Mori-Tanaka方法Mori-Tanaka method
- 布里斯班,阿瑟1864-1936美国报纸编辑,推行并鼓励采取黄色报刊技术,以扩大其报刊的销售量A city of eastern Australia on the Brisbane River, about346 km(215 mi) long, near its mouth on Moreton Bay, an inlet of the Pacific Ocean. The area was settled in1824 as a penal colony. Population,734, 750.
- Tanaka-Meyer公式Tanaka-Meyer formula
- 弗里德,艾尔弗雷德·赫尔曼1864-1921奥地利和平主义者。因其为世界和平所做的贡献,获得1911年诺贝尔和平奖。Austrian pacifist. He shared the1911 Nobel Peace Prize for his work toward world peace.
- 楼房管理员Tanaka先生帮了大忙。Mr. Tanaka, the superintendent, was very helpful.
- 接: TANAKA(田中)小姐在等你讲话了。Miss Tanaka is on the line.
- 伊: 我要接TANAKA(田中)小姐。T-A-N-A-K-A。I want to talk to Miss Tanaka, T-A-N-A-K-A.
- der (1985),Guy Cook (1992),Tanaka Keico (1994),Angela Goddard (1998) 和黄国文 (2001)。der (1985), Guy Cook (1992), Tanaka Keico (1994), Angela Goddard (1998) and Huang Guowen (2001).
- Schroder (1985), Guy Cook(1992), Tanaka Keico(1994), Anglela Goddard(1998) 周怡 & 周晓 (1998) , 黄国文(2001) 等等.Schroder (1985), Guy Cook(1992), TanakaKeico(1994), Anglela Goddard(1998) Zhou Yi & Zhou Xiao (1998) , Huang Guowen(2001)and so on.
- 采用二元系Miedema生成热模型及其Tanaka过剩熵修正和三元系Chou几何模型 ,分析了稀土元素La与Sn Pb软钎料合金体系中组元元素的相互作用关系。By means of the Miedema formation energy model for binary system with the Tanaka modification by excess entropy and the Chou geometric model for ternary system, the interaction relation between rare earth element La and the constituent elements of Sn Pb alloy system was analyzed.