- There's a new one at the tate gallery tomorrow. 明天在塔特画廊有个新画展。
- Steve McQueen: I think the Tate, you know! 我想泰特现代美术馆吧。
- TONY: It's no use, Chapman. Tate confessed. 托尼:没用的,查普曼。泰特招供了。
- A brass plate beside the door said 'Dr Alan Tate'. 门旁的铜牌上写着“艾伦 泰特医生”。
- There 's a new one at the tate gallery tomorrow . 明天在塔特画廊有个新画展。
- Several of his paintings hang in the Tate Gallery. 他的几幅油画挂在塔特美术馆。
- That'll bring you up to speed on Tate associates. 通过访谈你该了解tate 公司的情况了。
- Even Tate associates uses my design services. 甚至tate公司都用我的设计。
- Mr. Tate? Tell me what you know about Mr. Tate. 泰特先生?告诉我你知道泰特先生些什么。
- Bruce Tate is an independent consultant and author. Bruce Tate是一位独立顾问和作家。
- TONY: Does Victor Chapman know Tate? 托尼:维克多?查普曼认识泰特吗?
- DIANA: I think he meant Mr. Tate. 戴安娜:我想他指的是泰特先生。
- DIANA: Philip Tate! Of course! He could do it. 戴安娜:菲利普?泰特!当然是他!他有条件做。
- Margaret Tate:The second time for me to pay it? 玛格丽特:“要第二次给我加薪了吗?
- If I get my hands on Tate,I'll kill him too! 如果我能够抓住泰特;我就把他也杀了.
- Margaret Tate:Tell your family yet? 玛格利特:“告诉你家人了吗?
- Mrs. Tate: No. I'll never do it again. 铁太太:不会的,我绝不会再做这种事了。
- NO01>:>(Tim and Tate are driving to Beaver Creek. (提姆和泰特正开车前往海狸溪。)
- Why don't you go to the Tate Gallery? 为何不去泰特美术馆看看?
- We're proud to have Philip Tate join our museum. 菲利普.;泰勒先生来我们的博物馆工作,我们很荣幸。