- 锦626块Block Jin 626
- 672例2型糖尿病并发高血压病的中西医治疗临床流行病学调查分析A Clinical Epidemiological Survey on the Integrative Therapies Used for the Treatment of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus Complicating with Hypertension among 672 Cases
- 垂询地址:上海市建国西路626号for more information, mail to 626 Jianguo Rd(w)
- 25例MHD患者(62.5%)合并不同程度的CAC,平均钙化积分为672.3。The mean calcification score was 672.3, and 25 patients (62.5%25) had CAC.
- 后者为584个APU; 前者每公顷草地的利润为672.3元,后者为568.40元;The output of animal products and the profit were 599 Animal Products Unit(APU)/hm2 and 672.3 Yuan/hm2 for SLS,and 584 APU/hm2 and 568.4 Yuan/hm2 for WLS,respectively.
- 在第八届全国人大代表中,有女代表626名,占代表总数的21.03%。There are 626 women delegates to the Eighth National People's Congress,accounting for 21.03 percent of the total.
- 川崎病患儿CD4+T细胞表面CD40L表达与E-选择素水平正相关(r=0.626,P<0.05)。There was a significantly positive correlation between CD40L expression on CD4+T-cells in patients with KD and E-selection(r=0.626, P<0.05).
- 每一面主镜都会将光聚焦在另一面直径1.1公尺的次要反射镜上,反射镜是接有672个调节器的一片薄膜。Each primary mirror will focus its photons onto a separate, 1.1-meter secondary reflector, a thin membrane attached to 672 actuators.
- 到1993年召开第八届全国人民代表大会时,女代表已增至626人,占代表总数的21.03%。By 1993,when the Eighth NPC was convened,the number of women deputies had increased to 626,accounting for 21.03 percent of the total.
- 在L蛋白的672、681和745位的氨基酸MRV、DRV与其它毒株不同,L基因活性部位序列相对保守,有利于聚合酶活性的稳定。In contract with that of fixed strains, the amino acid on position 672, 681 and 745 of L protein in MRV, DRV were different, polymerase activity module of L gene is comparatively conserved, thus it is propitious to the stabilization of polymerase activity.
- 兰契印度东北部一城市,位于加尔各答市西北偏西。为一制造业中心和疗养胜地。人口489,626a city of northeast India west-northwest of Calcutta. It is a manufacturing center and health resort. Population,489,626.
- 结果:检测到2个等位基因A和B构成3种基因型:AA型(4.065%),AB型(44.309%),BB型(51.626%)。2 alleles,A and B,and 3 genotypes,AA(4.065%25),AB(44.309%25) and BB(52.606%25) were identified.
- 方法:训练样本672例,检验样本328例,均为本院住院病人,用最大似然法研究训练样本672例的CT表现和临床GCS昏迷计分,制定急性颅脑外伤的预后诊断用表。Methods: A restrospective analysis of CT-CGS findings was performed in 672 head-injury patients by setting up a table of calculate prognoses using Maximal Resemblance Method.
- 在2876例行选择性冠脉造影的人群中,共发现18例冠状动脉肌桥,发生率为0.626%,均为左前降支心肌桥。In 2876 cases, 18 patients had CMB. The total incidence of CMB was0.626%25, all these CMB were over the left anterior descending arteries (LAD).
- 年底时,全港共有工会626个,其中雇员工会占583个,雇主组织占25个,由劳资双方联合组成的工会则占18个。At the end of the year,there were 626 unions,comprising 583 employees'unions,25 employers'associations and 18 mixed organisations of employees and employers.
- 杰克逊维尔,佛罗里达州东北部一城市,位于靠近大西洋的圣约翰河畔和佐治亚州的交界处。于1816年设市,是主要的港口和制造业中心,也是佛罗里达州的最大城市。人口672,971a city of northeast Florida on the St. Johns River near the Atlantic Ocean and the Georgia border. Settled in 1816,it is a major port and manufacturing center and the largest city in Florida. Population,672,971
- 杰克逊维尔佛罗里达州东北部一城市,位于靠近大西洋的圣约翰河畔和佐治亚州的交界处。于1816年设市,是主要的港口和制造业中心,也是佛罗里达州的最大城市。人口672,971A city of northeast Florida on the St. Johns River near the Atlantic Ocean and the Georgia border. Settled in1816, it is a major port and manufacturing center and the largest city in Florida. Population,672, 971.
- 在德系安哥拉兔中,年度产毛量与公兔的第1-2次剪毛量和公、母兔的第1-3次剪毛量间有着紧密的相关,相关系数依次为0.626,0.646和0.764。There are close correlation between annual wool yield and the wool yield after two shearings of male and three shearings of both male and female in German Angora abbits, the correlation coefficients are 0.626, 0.646 and 0.764 recp.
- 统计结果表明:湖羊、德国肉用美利奴羊、小尾寒羊、萨福克羊和多赛特羊A等位基因频率分别为0.672、0.786、0.846、0.857和0.867,B等位基因频率分别为0.328、0.214、0.154、0.143和0.133。In Hu sheep,German Mutton Merino sheep,Small Tail Han sheep,Suffolk sheep and Dorset sheep,the frequency of allele A was 0.672,0.786,0.846,0.857 and 0.867,respectively,and the frequency of allele B was 0.328,0.214,0.154,0.143,and 0.133,respectively.