- 铀235反应堆an U235 burner
- 在U-235中缺少中子似乎给予U-235原子一种奇异的不稳定性。The shortage of neutrons in U-235 seems to give its atoms a strange sort of instability.
- H.235H.235
- 0.235钢Q235 steel
- 核反应堆的燃料被铀235浓缩。The fuel was enriched with uranium 235 for the nuclear reactor.
- 可以认为表中所列数据同样适用于铀-233、铀-235或钚-239。The results in the table may be taken as being applicable to either uranium233, uranium-235, or plutonium-239.
- JT-235浮选剂JT-235
- 制造原子弹,我们必须用铀235,因为轴的所有原子都会裂变。To make an atomic bomb we have to use uranium 235, in which all the[/url] atoms are available for fission.
- 四年来5岁以下儿童死亡共损失3 235.5个DALY(失能调整生命年)。3 235.5 DALY were lost during 4 years.
- 你能帮我接235号房吗?Would you connect me with room number 235?
- 英格兰队5名击球手共得235分.England made 235 for 5.
- 新式剖宫产术235例临床体会Clinical Experience for 235 Cases of New Cesarean Operation
- 都本业,等.吸烟对肺巨噬细胞功能的影响.中华结核和呼吸系疾病杂志1988;11:235.Holdal JR, et al. Lung Phagocyte recruitment and metabolic alterations induced by cigarette smoke in human and hamsters. Am Rev Respir Dis 1982; 126: 648.
- 235这是个十分有趣的假设。That is a very interesting hypothesis .
- 拔牙创异常出血235例临床分析Clinical analysis of 235 cases of abnormal bleeding in the le sion of dental extraction
- 剑形针针刺为主治疗颈椎病235例Treatment of Cervical Spondylopathy Mainly by Arrow-Shaped Needle in 235 Cases
- 你能占有(建立)航向235吗?Can you take up heading 235?
- 纳粹的那些设备精良的军用工厂很可能会向那疯狂的元首提供足够的U-235炸弹。The superb Nazi war plants were likely to furnish the lunatic Fuhrer with enough U-235 bombs.
- 235例髓核摘除术手术指征与疗效回顾The review in the sign of operation and curative effect of 235 cases discectomy
- 腹腔镜下输卵管伞部成形术235例报告Plastic operation of salpingian fimbria under video laparoscope: Reports of 235 cases