- We shall not too much underestimate the value of adult education. 我们不该过于低估成人教育的价值。
- We shall not too much underestimate the value of adult education . 我们不该过于低估成人教育的价值。
- I'm here with hugo posh, the producer of adult education... 我这里请到了Hugo Posh; 成人教育的制片人...
- A good deal of adult education is accomplished by the mass media. 成人教育的相当一部分是由大众传播媒介完成的。
- adult basic education 成人基础教育
- If this friendship is real, it can stand the test of time. 如果这种友谊是真诚的,那么它就能经得起时间的考验。
- Each person of adult age was called upon. 每个成年的男女都被召集来。
- Chinese instruction is the core of basic education courses. 摘要语文教学是基础教育的核心课程。
- The fire is the test of gold; adversity of strong men. [谚]烈火炼真金,逆境炼壮士。
- That is the moment of adult health. 那就是健全的成人阶段。
- Tests of the manure showed a high ammonia content. 这种肥料经过化验表明氨的含量很高。
- What are Valued in Basic Education? 基础教育的价值追问?
- Reform of Adult Training in the U.K. 英国的成人职业培训改革。
- The acid test of a good driver is whether he remains calm in an emergency. 衡量驾驶员水平的决定性考验,就是看他在紧急关头能否保持镇静。
- Seasonal Reproduction of Adult Male. 成年雄性小熊猫的季节性繁殖;
- Tour Fee is based on no. of adult basis. 团费以成人人数为标准计算。
- The long separation was a test of their love. 长期分离对他们的爱情是个考验.
- Treat the method of adult enuresis? 治疗成人尿床的方法?
- Hong Kong provides nine-year free and universal basic education. 本港提供九年免费普及基础教育。