- Major Smith has been attached to the 2nd division. 史密斯少校暂已派到第二师执行任务。
- The 2nd, resolve key, difficulty. 第二,分解重点、难点。
- It is whether the 2nd sheet used the alpha channel. 2张眼睛使用了希腊字母首字频道啦啊?
- Take the 2nd left into Rattray Head Avenue. 儿童和加床政策:欢迎12岁以上的儿童。
- Shipley is the 2nd, JSR is in the 3rd. Shipley为第二位,JSR处于第三位。
- The 2nd wife is our family and friends. 第2次的妻子是我们的家人和朋友。
- Can dermatosis have a relapse the 2nd year? 皮肤病会第二年复发吗?
- The 2nd part is facial ministry liquidates a share. 第二部分是脸部整理部分。
- Start each page on the 2nd line. 从每页纸的第二行开始写。
- Give stress to the 2nd syllable. 重读第二音节。
- The 2nd army consists of three armored divisions. 第2军由3个装甲师组成。
- The 2nd army consists of three armoured divisions. 第2军由3个装甲师组成。
- When and where will the 2nd EAG be held? 第二届东亚运动会何时、何地举行? Wang took her lead the minute the gun fired.
- Yahoo is the 2nd biggest search engin, but engine. 雅虎是第二大搜索引擎。
- The 2nd differentia is involves field. 第二个不同点是所涉及的领域。
- The 2nd it is homemaking service. 第二是家政服务。
- The 2nd, I became the company of a dinkum Internet. 第二个,我做了一个纯粹互联网的公司。
- Led the squad to go to the 2nd area direction! 护卫军:带领了小队前往2区方向!
- The theme for the 2nd edition was "Une Heure Pour Notre Terre". 第二届活动的主题是“一小时,为我们的地球”。
- Constructed by the 2nd Highway Engineering Co. of Fujian rov. 福建省公路局设计,福建省第二公路工程公司施工。