- Thomson, James. The Castle of Indolence (1748). Edited by James Sambrook. Oxford: Clarendon, 1986. 詹姆士?托马森,《懒惰城堡》(1748)。詹姆士?萨姆布鲁克编辑。牛津:克莱兰顿出版社,1986版。
- What we are looking at is the castle of Beauregard. 卢瓦尔河是法国最长的河流。
- Welcome to the Castle of Rona the Witch! 欢迎来到Rona小魔女的幻魔山庄!
- The Castle of Indolence 怠惰的城堡
- It ruined pitilessly the castle of happiness into pieces. 它无情地将幸福的城堡毁成废墟。
- A man appeared at the castle gate in the guise of a woodcutter. 一个男子打扮成樵夫的模样出现在城堡的门口。
- The castle was hidden behind a curtain of smoke. 城堡被一层烟雾遮掩着。
- The top of the castle tower has been shot off. 城堡塔楼的顶部已被炸掉了。
- The castles of the Rhine Valley. 莱茵河流域的古堡.
- Land. In the deepest spot of all, stands the castle of the Sea King. 就在最深的地方,矗立着海王的城堡。
- A man appear at the castle gate in the guise of a woodcutter. 有个人装扮成樵夫的样子出现在城堡大门口。
- "Welcome to the castle of the Marquis of Carabas!" said Puss-in-Boots. “欢迎来到卡拉巴斯侯爵的城堡!”穿靴猫说。
- The knight spurred on to the castle. 那骑士策马奔向城堡。
- Ivy had crept up the castle walls. 常春藤爬上了城堡的围墙。
- The castle frowned down upon the field. 城堡呈威压之势俯视原野。
- The castle towers over the city. 那城堡高耸于城市之上。
- Next after the Boar shall come the Ram of the Castle of Venus, with golden horns and a beard of silver. 野猪的下一步会进入维纳斯城堡的公羊里,拥有金色的角和银色的胡须。
- There is a moat round the castle. 城堡外环绕着一条护城河。
- The castle defenders were borne down. 城堡的守军被制服了。
- Conclusion The CASTLE of thyroid are different from other thyroid carcinomas and has a better prognosis. 结论:甲状腺具有胸腺特征癌不同于甲状腺其他类型的癌,其预后很好。