- If you don’t have a place for people to put their words, community devolves into viewership. 让人高兴的是,人们有很多喜欢一起做的事情,如果你能让他们在聚在一起,给他们一些最基本的工具,他们就会开始交谈,分享和协作。
- Their words foreshadow events to come. 他们的话预示了所将要发生的事情。
- He is moved by the warmth of their words. 他被他们亲切的话语感动了。
- He brightened up at their words of encouragement. 听到鼓励的话,他高兴起来。
- He accused them of having broken their word. 他指责他们没有遵守诺言。
- Their deeds did not agree with their words. 他们言行不一。
- Their words put oil to the fire. 他们的话使情况变得更糟。
- Lawyers are men who hire out their words and anger. 律师,是把自己的言辞与愤怒出租于人的人。
- Their words led him to reflection. 他们的话让萨伦伯格陷入了沉思。
- The Chinese people always keep their word. 中国人民说话一向是算数的。
- Their word is law,ie their commands must be obeyed. 他们的命令必须服从。
- Lawyer are men who hire out their word and anger. 律师,是把自己的言辞与愤怒出租予人的人。
- But good husbands take their wives at their word. 但好丈夫总是相信他们的太太说的话.
- But these men were a taciturn lot, picking their words carefully. 但是这些人都是沉默寡言的人,说起话来字斟句酌,非常谨慎。
- Their words came harsh from between their set teeth. 他们咬牙切齿的说着气势汹汹的话。
- They gazed at him,trying to read the effect of their words. 他们盯着他看,想看看他们的话产生什么效果。
- Good writers can easily interest some people with their words. 文笔好的人很容易用自己的语言引起别人的兴趣。
- In short, their words and deeds do not conform to the six criteria! 总之,不合乎六条标准嘛!
- Hire out l; awyers are men who hire out their words and anger. 律师,是把自己的言辞与愤怒出租给人的人。
- Such natures as yours don't so easily adhere to their words. 象你那种脾气,要斩钉截铁,说一不二,恐怕不容易吧。