- Tomiyoshi Eiji 富吉荣二(1899-1954),日本人,官员。
- A typhoon in 1954 sank a ferry, drowning 1,218 people. 一九五四年的一次台风刮沈了一艘渡轮,淹死一千二百十八人。
- The conference was held at the Hague in 1899. 这个会议是1899年在海牙举行的。
- London had its hottest day yesterday since 1899. 昨天伦敦是1899年以来最热的一天。
- They were held in 1899 (eighteen ninety-nine). 是在1899年举行的。
- Geneva Conferences (1954 and 1961). 日内瓦会议(1954,1961)。
- In 1899, he was captured by the Boers, but escaped. 一八九九年他被波尔人俘虏,但逃脱了。
- In 1899, he made a movie called The Conjurer . 他在1899年制作了一部电影叫魔术师。
- The increase has been moderate since 1954. 自一九五四年以来,增长的速度已经减慢。
- In 1899, IWC produced its first wristwatches. 1899年,万国表公司推出了第一款腕表。
- His 1954 movie debut was with Judy Holiday. 他的首部电影是于1954年与朱迪·贺黛莉合作。
- In 1899, he made a movie called The Conjurer. 他在1899年制作了一部电影叫魔术师。
- He also taught there from 1954 until 1969. 从1954年至1969年在哈佛大学执教。
- PERU. Cuzco. Hatunrumiyoc alley. May 1954. 1954年5月,秘鲁,库斯科,哈同鲁米约克巷。
- Mao Zedong at Beidaihe in April 1954. 1954年4月,毛泽东在北戴河。
- W.C. Heuper, National Cancer Institute, 1954. 约普,国家癌症学会,1954年。
- Bob Geldof was born in Ireland in 1954. 鲍勃.;吉尔道夫于1954年生于爱尔兰岛
- The fractional part is interpreted as December 30, 1899. 小数部分被视为,1899年12月30日。
- A member of the Vietnamese army that defeated the Japanese and the French between 1941 and 1954. 越盟在1941年至1954年之间击败日本和法国的越南军队的一员。
- David Lloyd George shaved off his moustache when in Canada in 1899. 大卫劳埃德乔治1899年在加拿大时剃掉了胡须。