
[twɪst]     [twɪst]    
  • v. 缠绕;捻;搓;拧;扭曲
  • n. 拧;捻;扭曲;盘旋;弯曲处
twistable twistingly twistability twisted twisted twisting twists



v. (动词)
  1. 扭转
  2. 扭歪,扭弯,弯曲
  3. 使密切相关
  4. 转身
  5. 跳扭扭舞
  6. 曲折地前进,曲折地行(路)
  7. 缠绕,盘绕
  8. 歪曲,曲解
  9. 捻,搓
  10. 旋转,绞
  11. 捻成,搓成
  12. 编,织
  13. 转动;扭动
  14. 捻合,搓拢
  15. 扭伤
  16. 使弯曲(成一定形状),使扭曲(成一定形状)
  17. 扭曲变形,弯曲变形
  18. 使缠绕
  19. 缭绕
n. (名词)
  1. 歪曲,曲解
  2. 扭歪
  3. 怪癖
  4. 扭伤
  5. 扭摆舞
  6. 捻成的东西
  7. 转弯,弯曲处
  8. 偏执
  9. 意外转折
  10. 搓,拧,绞,缠,编
  11. 窍门,花样
  12. <口>胃口,食欲
  13. <俚>(轻浮的)女人;姑娘,女郎
  14. 【物】抗扭应力;扭转角;动量矩
  15. 烟草卷,烟辫
  16. 混合饮料;混合酒
  17. 面包卷;麻花状面包
  18. 欺骗
  19. 曲折


v. (动词)
  1. vt. & vi. 扭,搓,缠绕 wind; coil
  2. vt. 转动; 拧 turn with a winding motion; rotate
  3. vt. 歪曲,曲解 change the meaning of; distort
n. (名词)
  1. [C]拧,旋转,扭转 act of twisting
  2. [C]弯曲,曲折处 a bend; place where a path, etc. turns
  3. [C]转折,转变 an unexpected change or development


  1. an unforeseen development;

    "events suddenly took an awkward turn"

  2. an interpretation of a text or action;

    "they put an unsympathetic construction on his conduct"

  3. any clever maneuver;

    "he would stoop to any device to win a point"
    "it was a great sales gimmick"
    "a cheap promotions gimmick for greedy businessmen"

  4. the act of rotating rapidly;

    "he gave the crank a spin"
    "it broke off after much twisting"

  5. a sharp strain on muscles or ligaments;

    "the wrench to his knee occurred as he fell"
    "he was sidelined with a hamstring pull"

  6. a sharp bend in a line produced when a line having a loop is pulled tight

  7. a circular segment of a curve;

    "a bend in the road"
    "a crook in the path"

  8. a miniature whirlpool or whirlwind resulting when the current of a fluid doubles back on itself

  9. a jerky pulling movement

  10. a hairdo formed by braiding or twisting the hair

  11. social dancing in which couples vigorously twist their hips and arms in time to the music; was popular in the 1960s;

    "they liked to dance the twist"

  12. the act of winding or twisting;

    "he put the key in the old clock and gave it a good wind"

  13. turning or twisting around (in place);

    "with a quick twist of his head he surveyed the room"

  1. to move in a twisting or contorted motion, (especially when struggling);

    "The prisoner writhed in discomfort"
    "The child tried to wriggle free from his aunt's embrace"

  2. cause (a plastic object) to assume a crooked or angular form;

    "bend the rod"
    "twist the dough into a braid"
    "the strong man could turn an iron bar"

  3. turn in the opposite direction;

    "twist one's head"

  4. form into a spiral shape;

    "The cord is all twisted"

  5. form into twists;

    "Twist the strips of dough"

  6. extend in curves and turns;

    "The road winds around the lake"
    "the path twisted through the forest"

  7. do the twist

  8. twist or pull violently or suddenly, especially so as to remove (something) from that to which it is attached or from where it originates;

    "wrench a window off its hinges"
    "wrench oneself free from somebody's grip"
    "a deep sigh was wrenched from his chest"

  9. practice sophistry; change the meaning of or be vague about in order to mislead or deceive;

    "Don't twist my words"

  10. twist suddenly so as to sprain;

    "wrench one's ankle"
    "The wrestler twisted his shoulder"
    "the hikers sprained their ankles when they fell"
    "I turned my ankle and couldn't walk for several days"



用作动词 (v.)
  1. She twisted the long scarf round her head.
  2. Selecting the suitable twist factor in order to meet the needs of flax knitting yarn, it is the key to increase high_grade and productivity of flax knitting products.
  3. We twisted the bed sheets into a rope and escaped by climbing down it.
  4. The cap should twist off easily.
  5. The papers twisted everything I said.
用作名词 (n.)
  1. She gave the lid another twist and it came off.
  2. Selecting the suitable twist factor in order to meet the needs of flax knitting yarn, it is the key to increase high_grade and productivity of flax knitting products.
  3. His answer showed a mental twist.
  4. I need a twist to turn this story round.
  5. The mountain road began to twist up,steeper and steeper.
  6. The accident happened at the twist in the road.


用作动词 (v.)
twist arm
    说服或强迫做某事 persuade or force sb to do sth
    twist sb's arm

    She'll let you borrow the car if you twist her arm.


twist about〔around,round〕1 (v.+adv.)
    歪曲,曲解 make (words) seem to mean the opposite of their intended meaning
    twist about〔around,round〕

    She was still twisting about in pain


    He twisted around to see what was happening.


    Our dog used to twist round in the air to catch the ball.


    I twist round in my seat to speak to her.


    twist sth ⇔ about〔around,round〕

    Pull the wire tight and then twist the ends round.


    twist sth ⇔ about〔around,round〕

    I didn't say that!You're twisting my words around!


twist about〔around,round〕2 (v.+prep.)
    将…缠绕在…上; 螺旋形盘绕 fasten sth and itself around sth with a turn, like a screw; surround sth by turning like a screw
    twist oneself/sth around〔round〕 sth

    The rope had twisted itself around the wheel, stopping the motor.


    A large green snake twisted itself around his neck.


    Twist the ends of the wire round the neck of the plastic bag, so that the air can't get out.


    I twisted the bandage round her knee.


twist into (v.+prep.)
    (使)扭成,拧成 (cause to) turn tightly around so as to become (sth with many folds or screw-like turns)
    twist sth into sth

    The old peasant is twisting pieces of straw into a rope.


    We twisted the bed sheets into a rope and escaped by climbing down it.


    The child twisted the wire into the shape of a star.


    She twisted the twigs into a tiny basket.


    Mary twisted flowers into a wreath.


    A very clever lawyer might be able to twist the prisoner's story into an admission of guilt.


twist off (v.+adv.)
    转脱,拧脱,扭断 remove sth with a sharp turning movement; come off by unscrewing
    twist off

    The cap should twist off easily.


    The wheel twisted off in the middle of the car race.


    twist sth ⇔ off

    I can't twist off the lid.


    Those children have been twisting the wreath off again.


    Can you twist the cap of this fountain pen off?


twist round little finger (v.+prep.+n.)
    任意摆布 get sb to do anything that one wants
    twist sb round one's little finger

    Gavin has always been able to twist her parents round her little finger.


twist up (v.+adv.)
    因(疼痛等)而变形 become screwed tightly, as with pain
    twist up

    The mountain road began to twist up, steeper and steeper.


    The highway twists up on the mountain-side.


    twist up

    Her face twisted up with pain as her leg lay bent beneath her.


    twist sth ⇔ up

    He twisted the letter up into a ball and threw it into the fire, swearing softly.


用作名词 (n.)
round the twist
    有些发疯slightly mad


用作动词 (v.)
~+名词 ~+副词 ~+介词
用作名词 (n.)
动词+~ 介词+~ ~+介词


  • If I had my hand under your twist I would send you flying.

    出自: R. L. Stevenson
  • Able to twist one of their necks before they downed me.

    出自: J. Buchan
  • The thought of living without him had twisted my insides.

    出自: fig.
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