- 面向对象的标准建模语言UMLObject-oriented Unified Modeling Language UML
- UML建模技术UML modeling technology
- 系统分析和设计以统一建模语言UML为主,结合K/3 BOS提供的EPC分析方法。 系统实现以K/3 BOS集成开发工具和VB6开发平台为主要工具。UML methods are applied to analysis and design this system,and it is combined with K/3 BOS.
- 过程建模语言process modeling language
- 热风炉节能模拟系统的UML建模与分析Modelling and Analysing of Hot-Blast Stove Energy Saving and Simulation System with UML
- 教育建模语言的设计与实现的分析Analysis of Design and Realization of EML/IMSLD
- 基于UML建模的酒店客房管理系统的分析Analyzing Hotel Guestroom Management System by UML Modeling
- 数学建模Mathematical Modeling
- 水资源供需平衡评价系统软件UML建模UML Modeling Software of Evaluating System of BalanceBetween Supply and Demand in Water Resource
- UML中的用例建模Use Cases Modeling in UML
- UML建模方法及其在虚拟企业经营过程中的应用UML Modeling Method and It's Application in Virtual Enterprise Business Process
- 简要介绍了顶层建模语言的实现工具-顶层建模集成开发环境。The language was compliant with Model Driven Architecture(MDA), which could be mapped to different programming languages, middleware, and tools.
- 应用UML建模技术设计开发送电所生产管理系统Application of UML technology in development of manufacturing management system for power delivery bureau
- UML多视点建模机制应用研究A Multi-View Modeling Mechanism Based on UML
- 在基于JSP的电子商务应用中利用UML建模与开发技术Modeling and Developing Techniques by UML in E-commerce Web Application via JSP
- Unified Process和统一建模语言都是基于用例驱动的软件工程流程。Unified Process and the Unified Modeling Language (UML) are all software engineering processes which based on uses-case driven approach.
- UML建模UML modeling
- 用于代码生成和逆向工程的UML建模工具也得到了广泛的应用。UML modeling tools for code generation and reverse engineering are also used widely.
- 教育建模语言EML/IMSLD是目前国际上用于数字教育资源开发的一项新兴技术。Eduational modeling language /IMSLD (abbreviated to EML/IMSLD) is a new technology used in digital educational resource developing.
- 电子病历系统设计及其UML建模Design of CPR and Its UML modeling