- China has been a member state of the successive UN Environment Program Governing Council and fruitful cooperation has been carried out between China and the UNEP. 中国是历届联合国环境署的理事国,与联合国环境署进行了卓有成效的合作。
- Korla in 1939 by the Governing Council was promoted to the county. 1939年库尔勒由设治局升为县。
- The WTO's governing council is due to endorse Vietnam's accession terms at a special meeting on November7. 世贸组织总理事会计划在11月7日召开一次特别会议,批准越南的入世协议。
- Saleem, a former Governing Council president also known as Abdel-Zahraa Othman, was killed May 18 in a car bombing in Baghdad. 萨利姆,前伊拉克临管会主席3月18日在巴格达死于汽车爆炸。
- Iran's governing council, made up of clerks and judges, agreed today to recount some vote(s). 伊朗由文员同法官组成的管理委员会今天同意重新统计部份选票。
- But there are signs Mr Papademos's suggestions would command strong support in the ECB's 22-strong governing council. 但有迹象表明,帕普德莫斯的建议将会博得欧洲央行由22名委员组成的管理委员会的大力支持。
- Members of Iraq's Governing Council signed the interim constitution Monday after weeks of wrangling and days of delays. 经过数周的争吵和多日耽搁,伊拉克临时管理委员会成员于星期一签署了临时宪法。
- The convening of the European Central Bank Governing Council meeting on interest rates and interest rates announced resolution. 欧洲中央银行管理委员会召开议息会议,并公布利率决议。
- Regarding fiscal policies, the Governing Council welcomes the European Council's reconfirmation of its full commitment to sustainable public finances. 关于财政政策,理事会欢迎欧洲理事会确认其充分致力于可持续的公共财政。
- Speech at the Thirtieth Session of the Central People's Government Council. 这是毛泽东同志在中央人民政府委员会第三十次会议上的讲话。
- Established by ordinance in 1984 with an autonomous governing council,the academy offers professional education and training up to degree level in performing and related arts. 香港演艺学院于一九八四年依据有关条例成立,由一个独立的校董会监管,提供演艺及相关学科的专业教育和训练,水平达至学位程度。
- The chances for consensus on the Governing Council, however thin now, will become far more distant with more members representing divergent national economies. 而且不论目前欧洲中央银行理事会中的分歧多小,代表情况迥异的国家的成员的加入将会使达成共识更是难上加难。
- In addition, the Governing Council offered its advice on the policy to be followed, especially in those cases where the Group had found it difficult to reach a consensus. 另外,理事会还对所需遵循的方针政策提供意见和建议,尤其是在工作组觉得难以达成一致的情况下。
- The head of the Iraqi governing council is killed in a suicide bombing in Baghdad; Izzadine Saleem, was the second member of the U.S.-supported council to be assassinated. 伊拉克临管会主席在巴格达一起自杀性炸弹袭击中身亡。埃兹丁萨利姆是第二位遭暗杀的受美国支持临管会的成员。---在飞翔
- Established by ordinance in 1984 with an autonomous governing council, the academy offers professional education and training up to degree level in performing and related arts. 香港演艺学院于一九八四年依据有关条例成立,由一个独立的校董会监管,提供演艺及相关学科的专业教育和训练,水平达至学位程度。
- The student government council was so irresponsible that the principal pulled its teeth. 学生会太不负责,校长解除了他们的职能。
- De Mello disclosed there is an electoral team in Iraq working with the US-backed Iraqi Governing Council to prepare for a legitimate, democraticand internationally- recognized elections. 德梅隆透露,有一批选举队伍目前正与美国支持下的伊拉克管理委员会一起,为准备合法,民主,被国际社会广泛承认的选举而努力着。
- Mr Bremer himself displayed “distaste, bordering on contempt” for some of the figures in the Iraqi Governing Council (IGC), the body he set up to put an Iraqi face on the occupation. 布雷默本人对“伊拉克管理委员会”(IGC)中的一些人物表示了“厌恶、近乎蔑视”。他设立IGC这个机关是为了在占领当局中增加伊拉克的面孔。
- On September 29th Axel Weber, a member of the European Central Bank's governing council, said that “Germany and EU countries must continue to be treated as fairly and justly as other IMF members. 9月29日,欧洲央行管理委员会议员韦伯说德国和其他欧洲国家必须和其他IMF成员一样,继续受到公正的对待。
- The Governing Council recalls its operational decision, taken on 18 December 2008, to widen again the corridor formed by the rates on the Eurosystem's standing facilities as of 21 January 2009. 理事安理会回顾其业务作出的决定,12月18日,2008年再次扩大走廊所形成的利率对欧元的地位设施的2009年1月21日。