- Office of Communication of United Church of Christ v. FCC, 359 F.2d 994 (D.C.Cir.1966). 及"联合基督教堂通讯联络办公室诉联邦电信委员会"案,载于《联邦判例汇编》第二辑,第359卷,第994页(哥伦比亚特区巡回法庭,1966)]。
- The white steeple of the United Church of Christ in Keene, New Hampshire, surrounded by seasonal foliage. 在基督联合教会的白色尖顶在新罕布什尔州基恩受季节性树叶包围。
- During his ministry, the church moved to Keystone Congregational Church for Sunday worship and joined the Federation of the United Church of Christ. 之后十年,在基石教会聚会,由李信助牧师牧养。
- Church of Christ in China was a nationwide united church organization being composed of 15 Christian Sects in the Chinese Church, among them,the Guangdong Synod was a church that was most early established and was most influential. 中华基督教会是由基督教15个教派的华人教会共同组成的全国性的合一教会组织,广东协会是其中成立最早、最有影响的一个教会。
- Board for World Ministries of the United Church of Christ; 联合基督教世界牧师职务理事会;
- They tried to split the United Church of Catholicism. 他们曾试图分裂联合天主教会。
- United Church of Christ 联合基督教会
- There is a great number of us Sincere though once [ov the?] members of the Church of Christ. 我们中有许多人是虔诚的基督徒。
- Today, the development of Chinese Church of Christ part of belonging to James Legge heritage. 今日中国的基督教会的发展部分属于理雅各的遗产。
- Principal Sadler contributed greatly to the education in Hong Kong and Church of Christ in China’s schools cannot be run so successful without him. 施校长对香港教育及区会办学的贡献实在是功不可没。
- Furthermore our inborn one-sidedness will always necessarily lead to the manifestation of the Church of Christ in many forms. 又不是拼错一两个字,或者引用错一两个无关痛痒的材料,你是拿人家的东西来奠定自己讲座的基础啊!
- Abstract The Church in the Bible is the Church of Christ which belongs only to God and is ordained and built by Jesus Christ Himself. 内容提要圣经中的教会即基督的教会,是耶稣基督亲自命定而建立的唯一属上帝的教会。
- Danti high natural scenic areas as early as the 33-Guangxu was Huaxi Church of Christ parish as a foreigner in Sichuan one of the four Bishu resort. 高石梯自然风景区早在清光绪33年被基督教会华西教区作为外国人在四川的四大避署胜地之一。
- After Hoiling's graduation in June 2007, she served in China Congregational Church (Church of Christ in China) as an assistant preacher in Church Music (part-time). 2007年6月毕业后,潘传道于中华基督教会公理堂任职助理圣乐宣教师(部份时间)。
- Paul, an apostle of Christ Jesus by the will of God, and Timothy, our brother, to the church of God in Corinth, and to all the saints in the whole of Achaia. 因天主的旨意,做基督耶稣宗徒的保禄和弟茂德兄弟,致书于格林多的天主教会和全阿哈雅的众位圣徒:
- The pope is known as the vicar of Christ. 教皇被称做基督的代理者。
- Salute one another with an holy kiss. All the churches of Christ salute you. 你们要以圣吻彼此请安。基督的众教会都问候你们。
- Christmas commemorates the birth of Christ. 圣诞节是为了纪念耶酥的诞生。
- Other major denominations are Adventist, Anglican, Christian and Missionary Alliance, Church of Christ in China (representing the Presbyterian and Congregational traditions), Methodist and Pentecostal. 其他主要宗派有基督复临安息日会、圣公会、宣道会、中华基督教会内的长老会和公理会、循道理联合教会和五旬节会。
- The Church of England is not the power in the land it used to be. 英国教会在国内不如以前那样得势了。