- If you are entering the United Kingdom for settlement, your visa will be valid for two years initially. 如果您去英国定居,您的签证最初有效期是两年。
- Displays the sum of the values in the Freight field for orders shipped to the United Kingdom. 显示发货到英国的订单的“运费”字段中各值的总和。
- The Delegation of Algeria thanked the United Kingdom for having presented its proposal to strengthen and reinvigorate the PCIPD. 阿尔及利亚代表团感谢联合王国介绍了加强和复兴PCIPD的提案。
- Specimens are on their way to a WHO collaborating laboratory in the United Kingdom for diagnostic confirmation and further analysis. 已将所有3名患者的样本送往世卫组织在英国的合作实验室进行诊断确认和进一步分析。
- Your non-EEA national family members may apply independently for confirmation of permanent residence if they have lived with you in the United Kingdom for 5 years. 你的非欧盟籍的家庭成员们可以独自提交永久居留申请,如果他们和你在英国一起生活了5年。
- I have been to the United Kingdom for more thanseven years, which I started to study GCE A-levelwith subjects in Mathematics, Physics andChemistry. 本人曾是成绩很差的学生(几乎留级),因此明白如何刺激学生学习兴趣,过往学生亦能在短期内有效提高成绩及语文能力。
- In line with WHO policy, arrangements have been made to send samples to a WHO collaborating laboratory in the United Kingdom for diagnostic verification and further analysis. 按照世卫组织政策,已作出安排把样本送往世卫组织在英国的合作实验室进行确诊和进一步分析。
- A large number of patient samples have been sent to a WHO collaborating laboratory in the United Kingdom for verification of diagnosis and further analysis. 众多患者样本已送往世卫组织在英国的一个合作实验室以便核实诊断和进行进一步分析。
- The First World War, the United Kingdom for the protection of its interests in the Suez Canal, and vigorously support the use of Zionism movement to control the Palestinian areas. 第一次世界大战中,英国为保护其在苏伊士运河的利益,大力扶植利用犹太复国主义运动,以控制巴勒斯坦地区。
- The chairman rapped on the table for order. 主席敲击桌子以维持秩序。
- If your non-EEA national family members are absent from the United Kingdom for a period exceeding 2 years they would need to apply for an EEA family permit to facilitate their admission to the United Kingdom. 如果你的非欧盟国籍家庭成员们离开英国超过2年,他们需要申请“欧们家庭成员许可”(一种签证)方可进入英国。
- The Association of International Accountants (AIA) is one of six statutorily Recognised Qualifying Bodies (RQBs) in the United Kingdom for companyauditors under the Companies Act 1989. 在1989年的英国公司法之下,AIA专业会计资格是六个法定承认的公司审计师资格团体之一(RQB)。
- The chairman attempted to call for order, but he was shouted down. 主席试图维持会场的秩序,但他的声音被喧闹声所压倒。
- The United Kingdom is called UK for short. 联合王国,简称UK。
- The United Kingdom is a constitutional monarchy. 英国是君主立宪国。
- We thank you for order for tennis racket. 感谢你方向我公司订购网球拍。
- The United Kingdom was a mighty empire before World War I. 英联邦在第一次世界大战前曾是一个强大的帝国。
- She had an almost Germanic regard for order. 她简直像德国人一样讲究条理。
- All citizens of the United Kingdom are ruled by the laws thereof. 英联盟的全体公民都受联盟法律的约束。
- ORDER option The default for ORDER is ON. ORDER选项ORDER的缺省设置为ON。