- 九龙湾德福广场二期328号铺Tic Tac Time Co Ltd Telford Branch Shop 328, Telford Plaza II, Kowloon Bay
- VRVirtual Reality (VR)
- 328例残胃临床、内镜及病理分析The Clinical Endoscopic and Pathologic Analysis of 328 Cases with Remain Stomach
- VR技术VR
- 粉螨的孳生密度11·58~328·83只/g。The densi ty of acaroid mites breeding in traditional Chinese medicinal materials were fro m 11.58/g to 328.83/g.
- VR系统VR systems
- 328例患者中AR发生率为4.9%,ASR发生率为27.4%。Of 328 patients, 4.9%25 were AR, 27.4%25 were ASR.
- VR-LinkVR-Link
- 在贝叶斯网络推论中探寻因果独立性〉《人工智能学报》5:301?328.Zhang, N. and Poole, D. (1996). Exploiting causal independence in Bayesian network inference. Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research 5: 301?328.
- 本次调查的绝经后骨质疏松症患者生存质量总评分为70.328±14.130分。In this survey, quality of life of osteoporosis patients get a total score of (70. 328+ 14. 130).
- VR模式具有丰富多彩的编辑功能,但录像模式的功能有限。There are many editing functions with VR mode but the functions are limited with video mode.
- 广播电视界的行贿受贿〉,《法与经济学期刊》1979年10月第22期2号269-328页.Coase, Ronald. "Payola in Radio and Television Broadcasting." The Journal of Law and Economics, v. 22, no. 2, October 1979, 269-328.
- VR工具箱VR toolbox
- 年内,共有367名消防学员顺利完成了初级训练,包括39名消防队长和328名消防员。Altogether 367 recruits,comprising 39 Station Officers and 328 firemen,successfully completed initial training during the year.
- 固红VR盐Fast-red VR
- 平面领域,夏普和眩光免费光学性,舒适性,高建设质量保征我,每次我是否出了328案件,并去翻.Its flat field, sharp and glare-free optics, comfortability, and high build quality keep impressing me each time I take it out of the EP case and look through it.
- VR-Link技术VR-Link technology