- The word from headquarters is to stand by for war patrol number one. 司令部下令说要作好准备,进行一级战备侦察。
- During her fourth war patrol, GATO torpedoed and sank 3 cargo ships off New Georgia, Solomon Islands. 在第四次战术巡逻中,小鲨鱼号出新乔治亚和所罗门群岛,击沉了3艘货船。
- American torpedoes were still failing when the Moray set forth on its first war patrol. “海鳗号”首次出发作战备侦察,此时美国鱼雷的质量还没过关。
- On her first war patrol from Pearl Harbor, she was ordered to patrol the western approaches to Midway, taking station 280 miles westward during that historic victory. 在第一次的战术巡逻中,她得到命令在中途岛西部沿岸巡逻,并且在那个历史性胜利的发生地以西280英里保持警戒。
- The war was lost because of a shortage of munitions. 战争因军火不足而失败。
- The mayor is confident the war against crime will be won. 市长确信反犯罪活动之战争必定胜利。
- The hope of a short war went glimmering. 战争无望在短期内结束。
- A series of provocations led up to the border war. 一系列的挑衅事件导致了边境战争的发生。
- The army was disbanded when the war came to an end. 战争结束时,军队即被解散。
- Relations were slow to normalize after the war. 战后国际正常关系恢复缓慢。
- The battle finally brought the war to an end. 这一仗使这场战争终告结束。
- They butchered the war prisoners. 他们残杀战俘。
- The long war of attrition exhausted the strength of both countries. 这场长期的消耗战耗尽了两国的力量。
- Opposition to the war snowballed. 反战情绪急速增长。
- Such incidents often presage war. 那样的事件常成为战争的前兆。
- The cruelty of war made his gorge rise. 战争之残酷使她十分反感。
- The war took a heavy toll of human life. 这次战争夺去了许多人的生命。
- "War and Peace" is the longest book I've ever read. 《战争于和平》是我读过的书中最长的一本。
- Some men would do anything to get out of the war. 一些人在为避免战争而奔波。
- Some slight incident may touch off a major war. 某个小事件可能会引发大战争。