- Consumers will worry about warranties and the resale value of cars. 而消费者则担心合同和汽车的转售价会受损。
- "The micro-dreaming, I did not think you could mix and COVEN! “金微我做梦也没想到,你居然会和COVEN混在一起!
- 6 The warranty in section 1.1 is exclusive and all other representations, warranties and covenants, express or implied, are excluded. 上述1.;1条中的保证具有排他性,并排除其他任何明示或默示的声明、保证与承诺。
- And they were glad, and covenanted to give him money. 他们欢喜,就约定给他银子。
- Due to the investment size and durability of the investment it's necessary to include all warranties and representations possible. 由于投资规模和投资耐久性的必要保证,并把所有可能的陈述。
- Countries, desperate for revenues, are exacerbating the situation by imposing additional taxes and covenants on existing mining ventures. 而迫切需要收入的政府则向现有矿业企业施加额外的赋税和条件,从而使得状况进一步恶化。
- Microsoft makes no warranties and excludes all representations, warranties, and conditions whether express, implied, or statutory. Microsoft不作任何担保,并拒绝所有明示、暗示或法定的表述、担保和条件。
- The government now props up the domestic car industry, lending it money, backing its warranties and overseeing its turnaround plans. 现在,政府支持着国内的汽车行业,对其提供贷款,担保其保单,并且监督通用的恢复计划。
- At Bentley, Mr.George says his organization has begun offering warranties and other programs to help its dealers sell second-hand Bentleys. 宾利的乔治说,公司已经开始提供认证和其他服务,帮助经销商销售二手宾利车。
- However, if the blood provider has no fault, the patient will pursue remedies provided by sale of goods, implied warranties and product liability. 如果血液提供方没有过错,患者会求助于货物销售、默示担保、产品责任法律制度,诉讼前景不容乐观。
- NKK makes no warranties and assumes no liability as to the suitability or the sufficiency of the device for the customer's application. NKK 对于设备在客户应用方面的适当性和充分性不做出任何保证并不承担任何法律责任。
- PLoS expressly disclaims any and all warranties and liability in connection with the information found in the release and article and your use of such information. 公共科学图书馆明确地拒绝与该新闻稿、论文以及您对这类信息的使用有关的任何担保和责任。
- Your signature below further represents, warranties and certifies that the information provided by you in the Customer Account Application is correct and complete. 你的下列签字进一步声明、保证及证明,你在客户账户申请中提供的信息是正确及完整的。
- Despite its backing of GM vehicle warranties and its status as a majority stakeholder, the government will not be involved in product development, they said. 尽管通用汽车的支持和保证其地位,大多数利益相关者,政府将不参与产品开发,他们说。
- A: GM will seek authority in its first-day hearing in court to honor customer warranties and dealer incentives for dealers who will remain in its network. 答:通用汽车公司将寻求管理局在其第一天的听证会在法庭上履行保证客户和经销商奖励经销商谁将继续留在网络。
- This letter constitutes and supersedes all prior or contemporaneous agreements, representations, warranties and understandings of such parties (whether oral or written). 本信件是作为,且可以取代所有以前及目前有关协议方所签协议,表述,担保,及理解(不论是口头或书面的)。
- He vanquished your Wrath, but not by physical strength or by the force of arms. He won over the Punisher by reminding him of the sworn promises and covenants made with our fathers. 他平息了灾祸,并不是由于体力,或武器的威能,而是提起上主与祖先所发的誓,所立的约,以言语说服了刑罚人的上主。
- I hit him fair and square on the jaw. 我不偏不倚打中他的下巴。
- It is a fact of life and you must face it. 这是严酷的现实,你必须面对它。
- She and I can't live under the same roof. 她和我不能住在一起。