- This country is rich in water resources. 这个国家水资源丰富。
- The country is rich in water resources. 这个国家水资源丰富。
- How to solve 4 water resources problems in China? 怎样解决中国4大水问题?
- People will run out of water resources one day. 人们总有一天会缺乏水资源。
- Rational use of water resources ? 合理利用水资源。
- Rational use of water resources? 合理利用水资源。
- Recycling conserves water resources. 回收保存水资源。
- Zhaoyuan has rich water resources. 赵园是个水源充沛的村子。
- What Is Integrated Water Resources Management? 什么是水资源综合管理?
- Water resources has renewability. 水资源具有可再生性。
- And after him to protect water resources. 而且让他以后要保护水资源。
- Not according to Bill Welty, a mySQL customer who works at the California Air Resources Board. 开源会象大爆炸一样慢慢减少吗?
- The government must mediate the struggle for water resources. 政府必须通过调解解决对水资源的争夺。
- In the early 1990s, the California Air Resources Board (CARB) started planning its“Phase 2” requirements for reformulated gasoline (RFG). 在二十世纪九十年代早期,加利福尼亚州航空资源局(CARB)开始规划它对变性汽油(RFG)的“阶段2”的要求。
- "Microsoft is going to have to get into the service business, and I would say they had better ramp up," says California Air Resources Board's Welty. 微软公司准备进入服务公司,那么我就要他们最好努力“,Welty说。”
- Water resources in Western China are of special concern. 西部地区的水资源尤为令人关注。
- In modern times,there has been no war fought over water resources. 当代尚没有为水资源而爆发的战争。
- This is the part of the premises Resources Board recently organized real estate development enterprises, building materials suppliers, decorative units seminar revealed. 这是市房地资源局日前组织的部分房地产开发企业、建材供应商、装饰装修单位研讨会上透露的。
- Beijing Water Resource Technology Co., Ltd. 北京水思源科技发展有限公司。