- This was as close as white terror had ever come to me and my mind reeled. 这一次几乎就象白色恐怖发生在我身上一样,我的头脑眩晕了。
- During the reign of the white terror, many progressives fell victim to the secret police. 在白色恐怖时期, 许多进步人士成为秘密警察的受害者。
- The enemy's jackals-the peace preservation corps and the landlords'levies-ran amuck,and White terror raged throughout the towns and countryside. 为虎作伥的保安队、挨户团横行无忌,白色恐怖布满城乡。
- Everywhere,large numbers of advanced people defied the White terror imposed by Lin Biao and the Gang of Four and fought them courageously. 各地都有大批先进分子不怕他们的白色恐怖,同他们进行了英勇不屈的斗争。
- Meanwhile,the ties between Singapore and China have turned colourless,without being tinged with either Red threat or White Terror. 新中两地的关系早已进入一种没有色彩的境界,没有红色的威胁,也就没有白色的恐怖。
- Everywhere, large numbers of advanced people defied the White terror imposed by Lin Biao and the Gang of Four and fought them courageously. 各地都有大批先进分子不怕他们的白色恐怖,同他们进行了英勇不屈的斗争。
- However,we must take care to lay a solid foundation in the central districts so that we shall have something secure to rely on when the White terror strikes. 但是仍然需要注意建立中心区域的坚实基础,以备白色恐怖到来时有所恃而不恐。
- The sanitary plastic fastfood package discarded casually are hard to be degraded or decomposed, they will lead to a situation expressed in the old term "white terror". 随手扔掉的一次性塑料快餐盒难以风化、难以腐蚀,将会制造另一种意义上的“白色恐怖”。
- However, we must take care to lay a solid foundation in the central districts so that we shall have something secure to rely on when the White terror strikes. 但是仍然需要注意建立中心区域的坚实基础,以备白色恐怖到来时有所恃而不恐。
- The sanitary plastic fastfood package discarded casually are hard to be degraded or decomposed,they will lead to a situation expressed in the old term "white terror". 随手扔掉的一次性塑料快餐盒难以风化、难以腐蚀,将会制造另一种意义上的“白色恐怖”。
- His rambling discourse ranges from adulation of Mao to scorn of America (it has neither history nor culture), to warning of a “white terror” if rightists (liberals) prevail. 他的演讲漫无边际,时而对毛不惜溢美之词,时而轻蔑的嘲笑美国(但即非历史也不是文化),时而又发出一旦右派(自由主义者)得势“白色恐怖”将降临的警告。
- Even though Ma himself was never a henchman for the White Terror, he cannot evade collective guilt as the heir apparent of a “foreign political authority. 即使他本人并不是白色恐怖的刽子手,也不能避免要继承若干外来政权的宿业;
- The defection of the intermediate class under the White terror.Having been under attack during the revolutionary upsurge, the intermediate class deserted to the enemy as soon as the White terror struck. 白色恐怖下中间阶级的反水:中间阶级在革命高涨时受到打击,白色恐怖一来,马上反水。
- The defection of the intermediate class under the White terror.Having been under attack during the revolutionary upsurge,the intermediate class deserted to the enemy as soon as the White terror struck. 白色恐怖下中间阶级的反水:中间阶级在革命高涨时受到打击,白色恐怖一来,马上反水。
- As soon as the White terror struck,the careerists defected and acted as guides for the counter-revolutionaries in rounding up our comrades,and the Party organizations in the White areas mostly collapsed. 白色恐怖一到,投机分子反水,带领反动派捉拿同志,白区党的组织大半塌台。
- As soon as the White terror struck, the careerists defected and acted as guides for the counter-revolutionaries in rounding up our comrades, and the Party organizations in the White areas mostly collapsed. 白色恐怖一到,投机分子反水,带领反动派捉拿同志,白区党的组织大半塌台。
- In Taiwan, our homeland, the US government had made the long-term KMT dictatorial regime possible, permitting it to implement the white terror policy, which remains fresh in our memory. 在台湾,美国政府长期支持国民党独裁统治,实施白色恐怖,剥夺人民民主权利,惨痛的记忆至今犹新。
- I heard John was the republican's great white hope. 我听说约翰是共和党人寄予巨大希望的人。
- The land is laid down with red or white clover. 这块土地种上了红花和白花苜蓿。