- Remember you are a Chinese wherever you go. 不论你到哪里,记住你是中国人。
- Is there a Chinese restaurant around here? 这附近是否有中国餐厅?
- He speaks English with a Chinese accent. 他讲英语带有汉语口音。
- She learned English from a Chinese teacher. 她向一个中国教员学习英语。
- My father is a Dutchman and my mother is a Chinese. 我父亲是荷兰人而我母亲是中国人。
- We lunched in a Chinese restaurant. 我们在一家中餐馆吃了午餐。
- Xue Jianing endorsement has been great Sanlu milk dates, flowers and the band's endorsement is Sanlu acid milk drinks. 薛佳凝曾代言过三鹿大红枣牛奶,而花儿乐队代言的是三鹿酸酸乳饮品。
- A Chinese wall of the mind and emotions separates us from the film. 难以逾越的意向与感情上的障碍使我们与这部影片格格不入。
- The American educational system is a Chinese puzzle to most of the foreigners. 对大多数外国人来说,美国的教育制度是一种复杂难懂的东西。
- Clinical analysis of laser prostatectomy Xue Jian,Zhuang Hongyu,Wang Junsheng,et al. Department of Urology,Anzhen Hospital of Capital University of Medical Sciences,Beijing 100029. 中华外科杂志1998年第6期第36卷临床论著作者:薛建庄红雨王俊生赵铁夫刘俊敏单位:100029北京,首都医科大学附属安贞医院泌尿外科关键词:前列腺肥大;前列腺切除术;激光手术...
- The newspaper news (by Xue Jian) in a competition, a team had 9 members to obtain the yellow card unexpectedly in the competition, but also some player accumulated two yellow cards to punish! 本报讯(记者薛剑)一场比赛中,一支球队竟有9名队员在比赛中得到了黄牌,还有一名球员累计两张黄牌被罚下!
- She is a Chinese grocer's daughter. 她是个华裔食品杂货商的女儿。
- So say Hong Kong media, which just love to bash Zhang Ziyi _ the movie world's hottest young Chinese actress. 这就是香港媒体对影坛炙手可热的中国大陆年青女演员章子怡的抨击.
- Pei Zheng Middle School is a Chinese school. 培正中学是一所华文学校。
- In July, 2008 Nevo confirmed long-running rumors of an engagement to Chinese actress Zhang Ziyi. 经过长期的地下恋情后,尼沃在2008年7月和中国女演员章子怡订婚。
- She is a charm Chinese actress with eight unique "pretty genius" but frequently misconceived by other people . 她, 八个"小精灵"附体的华裔电影人;她, 充满魅力却经常被他人误读的普通女人。
- He can be regarded very easily a Chinese. 他可以很容易地看作是个中国人。
- Pui Cheng Middle School is a Chinese school. 培正中学是一所华文学校。
- The 30-year-old Chinese actress plays a comic book artist who schemes to get her fiance back after losing him to an actress. 30岁的章子怡在剧中饰演一位感情生活受挫的漫画家,使尽手段要将未婚夫从一位女演员手中抢回来。
- Each of them lives with a Chinese host family. 这些学生住在中国的接待家庭中。