- 例如,质子的质量比电子的质量重1836倍。The mass of proton ,e.g. ,is 1836 times heavier than the electron mass .
- 韩国著名学者丁若镛(1762-1836)是一位具有批判精神的思想家。Korean famous scholar Ding Ruo-yong(1762-1836) was a thinker with critical spirit.
- 文88块Wen- 88 block oil reservoir
- 第4届美国总统,宪法国会的成员和1776年宪法大会的记录员,帮助制定了权利和自由法案(1751-1836)。4th President of the United States,member of the Constitutional Congress and recorder at the Constitutional Convention in 1776,helped frame the Bill of Rights (1751-1836).
- 万恢88Wanhui 88
- 第4届美国总统;宪法国会的成员和1776年宪法大会的记录员;帮助制定了权利和自由法案(1751-1836)。4th President of the United States; member of the Constitutional Congress and recorder at the Constitutional Convention in 1776; helped frame the Bill of Rights (1751-1836).
- GB9834-88法GB 9834-88 method
- 鲍威,詹姆斯1796-1836美裔墨西哥籍殖民者,在争取从墨西哥分离的独立战争中他加入得克萨斯军队,在阿拉莫保卫战中丧生。A city of west-central Maryland northeast of Washington,D.C. It is primarily residential. Population,37,589.
- 注:南水北调水质指标:3为通水后要求指标,4.88为当前指标。Note: water quality indices of Water Transfer Project from South-to-North: 3 is the quality of transmitting water, 4.88 is the quality of current water.
- 鲍威,詹姆斯1796-1836美裔墨西哥籍殖民者,在争取从墨西哥分离的独立战争中他加入得克萨斯军队,在阿拉莫保卫战中丧生A city of west-central Maryland northeast of Washington, D.C. It is primarily residential. Population, 37, 589.
- W_88专家小组Panel of Experts.W-88
- 88式狙击步枪QBU88 ranger gun
- 年内,香港海关充公价值43万元由贩毒所得的资产,以及调查了1836宗有关洗黑钱活动的个案,价值280万元与毒品有关的资产遭冻结。During the year,the department confiscated assets worth %24430,000 derived from drug trafficking and conducted 1 836 investigations into money laundering. Drug-related assets worth %242.8 million were restrained.
- 髓样分化因子88myeloid differentiation primary response protein 88
- 髓系分化因子88Myeloid differentiation factor 88
- 从1994年到1999年,广西49个贫困县农民人均纯收入由606元上升到1836元,人均粮食产量由310公斤上升到380公斤,在全国民族地区率先实现“八七”扶贫攻坚目标。From 1994 to 1999, the net income of the peasants per capita in the 49 impoverished counties in Guangxi rose from 606 yuan to 1,836 yuan, and the grain yield per capita rose from 310 kg to 380 kg, becoming the first among the ethnic minority areas to reach the objectives of the Seven-Year Priority Poverty Alleviation Program.
- 比利·格雷厄姆现年88岁,正受到一系列健康方面的困扰。Billy Graham is 88 years old and suffers from a range of health ailments.
- 本文还用新型VARTM方法制备了三种不同增强材料的复合材料。 S-玻璃纤维单向布/5406的弯曲强度达到1836.7Mpa,T-700S/5406复合材料弯曲强度更是在2000 Mpa以上;Three different composite materials were produced by VARTM,the result shows: the flexural strengh of S-glass fiber/5406 and T-700S/5406 is respectively 1836.7Mpa and 2060Mpa.
- 88次列车将在3个小时后到达目的地。The train No. 88 will arrive its destination after 3 hours.
- 88型坦克战位急救盒THE FIRST-AID KIT OF T88