- Christopher John Francis Boone knows all the countries of the world and theircapitals and every prime number up to 7,057. 克里斯多弗,一个15岁,聪明的小男孩,他知道世界上所有国家的名字和首都,他可以数到7,057的质数。
- He studied flute with John Francis at the Royal College of Music as had, for example, James Galway, and he performed his first solo radio broadcast while still a student. 后学于皇家音乐学院,师从J.;弗朗索瓦,在校期间曾在电台广播中有过独奏演出。
- All John's kith and kin came to his wedding. 约翰所有的亲戚朋友都来参加他的婚礼。
- John felt it hard to rig out his family. 约翰感到难以为一家大小置备衣着。
- John vamped up a few rumors to discredit his enemy. 约翰编造一些谣言去中伤他的敌人。
- John was both clever and quick in the uptake. 约翰既聪明,理解能力又强。
- The guest speaker will be our old friend John Lewis. 特邀演讲者将是我们的老朋友约翰。路易斯。
- John lost a stripe for being rude on parade. 约翰因在检阅时鲁莽失礼被降了一级。
- I heard John was the republican's great white hope. 我听说约翰是共和党人寄予巨大希望的人。
- John couldn't keep cool when he met his rival. 约翰见到他的对手就不能冷静下来。
- He was John Bull in a Benedictine robe. 他是身穿贝尼蒂克教派长袍的英国人。
- John played the man for a sucker. 约翰把那个人当作傻瓜。
- John's got two left feet when it comes to dancing. 约翰跳起舞来显得笨手笨脚的。
- St. Francis wanted to sanctify poverty, not to abolish it. 圣弗朗西斯想圣化贫困而不是消除它。
- John is the spark plug on his rowing team. 约翰是划船队的中坚分子。
- John's new hat is a bobby dazzler. 约翰的新几十非常引人注意。
- John said he had been impelled to crime by poverty. 约翰说他为贫困所迫而犯罪。
- I don't want to run the risk of meeting John. 我可不想冒遇见约翰的危险。
- She took up the narrative where John had left off. 她接着讲约翰未讲完的故事。
- John bears the bell in all track events at school. 约翰在学校里的各个径赛项目中都赢得第一名。