- Yokota Sennosuke 横田千之助(1870-1925),日本人,官员。
- This famous school was founded in 1925. 这所著名的学院始创于1925年。
- Water polo was devised in England in about 1870. 水球大约是1870年在英国开创的。
- This rule has been superseded since 1925. 自1925年以来,此项原则已退居次位。
- Meyer began pastoring churches in 1870. 迈尔于1870年开始牧养教会。
- Guo Bangqing, was born in Sichuan in 1925. 郭邦清,生于1925年,四川人,著名画家。
- Richard Zsigmondy, Nobel Prize for Chemistry, 1925. 1925年化学奖获得者。
- Katherine:you tell me.catcass,by soutine,1925. 凯瑟琳:你来告诉我.;苏蒂恩的;绘于1925年
- Since 1925: always one step ahead of the rest. 自1925年以来,我们总是领先同行一步!
- Wade (1900 - 1925) Cuiwei people. 韦德(1900--1925)翠微人。
- In 1925, a new school was opened on the premises. 1925年,在那块地上一所新的学校诞生了。
- You will find the signature of Mr. Yokota at the foot hereof. 横田先生签名如下。
- His grandfather started the travel business in 1870. 他的祖父早在1870年就开始经营旅游业。
- In approximately 1925, work began on the problem of suspension. 大约在1925年才开始了关于悬移质的研究。
- You will find the signature of Mr . Yokota at the foot hereof . 横田先生签名如下。
- As early as the 1870's people invented the electric lamp. 早在十九世纪七十年代人们就发明了电灯。
- The order, which totaled 1870 yuan, was for 340 sets of "harness". 这张订单总计一千八百七十元,定制三百四十付“马具”。
- A park in Paris,1870 Jeanne(J) is sitting in the park. 第一场1870年,巴黎的一个公园.;让娜(J)坐在公园里
- Cyril Birch was born in Lancashire, England in 1925. 1925年生于英格兰的兰卡斯。
- In 1925, Robert F. Kennedy was born in Brookline, Massachusetts. 1925年的今天,罗伯特F.;肯尼迪出生在麻萨诸塞州的布鲁克林。