- The merciful king saved the young officers from death. 仁慈的国王把年青的军官从死神手中救了出来。
- Young Officers Union 青年军官联盟
- He and his aide were ambushed and tommy-gunned to death by four young officers. 他和他的侍从官遭到四个年轻军官的埋伏,被他们用手提式轻机枪射死。
- One of Darcy's acquaintances is a dashing young officer, George Wickham. 达西的一位熟人是个浮华的年轻军官,名叫乔治·韦翰。
- The MTUC and the Standard Chartered Bank Officers Union mounted pickets and protests against this action. 该MTUC和渣打银行干事联盟安排巡逻队和反对这次的行动。
- The young officer came up from the lowest rank. 这个年轻的军官是从最低级的军阶晋升上来的。
- Presently a slender young officer appeared. 这时突然出现了一个清瘦的青年军官。
- Scores of young officers suddenly blossomed out as economic experts. 一大批青年军官忽然成长为经济专家。
- The young officer distinguished himself many times in battle. 这个年青军官屡建战功。
- Presently a slender young officer appeared before my eyes. 这时一个清瘦的青年军官出现在我眼前。
- They stepped through an open watertight door to the tiny wardroom, where Natalie met two more young officers. 他们迈过一道敞着的防水门,来到一间小军官室,这里,娜塔丽又见到两位军官。
- The young officers of the African Service who volunteered to man the slave forts and oversee the dungeons were children of the age of enlightenment. 那些自愿看管奴隶城堡和地牢的都是些在非洲服役的刚过懵懂之年的年轻军官。
- He finds the naivete of the young officer very engaging. 他觉得这位青年军官那种天真烂漫的忠心耿耿非常可爱。
- He finds the naivete of the young officer very engaging . 他觉得这位青年军官那种天真烂漫的忠心耿耿非常可爱。
- While still a cadet, he and some young officers once took revenge on a regimental chaplain who had criticised them. 他还是军校学生的时候,曾经和一些年轻军官被兵团的牧师批评。
- She has three men in pursuit, but in a duplicitous and fed the young officers silence. 她先后为三个男子所追求,但选择了一个金玉其外、败絮其中的青年军官特罗伊。
- A bishop is almost always surrounded by a full squadron of little abbes, just as a general is by a covey of young officers. 在将军的周围,常有成群的青年军官,在主教的周围,几乎也常有成批的小教士。
- One of Darcy's acquaintances is a dashing young officer,George Wickham. 达西的一位熟人是个浮华的年轻军官,名叫乔治·韦翰。
- Enjoy the disco you're only young once. 尽情跳起迪斯科--须知青春只一度。
- Government Overseers and Hawker Control Officers Union 政府巡察员及小贩管理主任工会