- In the old days, daily use often meant a big chunk of the family income. 过去,日常开销意味着要花费掉家庭收入的大部分。
- In the old days having meat and milk every day often meant a big chunk of the family income. 过去,每天吃肉,喝牛奶意味着要花费掉家庭收入的大部分。
- In the old days,having meat and milk every day often meant a big chunk of the family income. 过去,每天吃肉、喝牛奶意味着要花费掉家庭收入的大部分。
- Clones may be cheap to run, but you would need a big chunk of capital to set one up. 这些复制品的运营费用可能很低,但是构建一个却需要大量的资金。
- The crops were frosted and caused the farmers to lose a big chunk of their income. 作物遭受冻害,这导致农民失去了一大块收入。
- Walking away from Areva NP means turning its back on a big chunk of its former assets. 离开阿海珐就意味着要放弃自己先前的一大笔资产。
- The next day, Lantz, Lina, and Gourry find Daymiar who had been cursed and turned into a big chunk of meat. 若是生活丰富多彩,又何须出轨?大概平淡的婚姻生活是出轨的最大原因吧?婚后不如意的性爱生活同样是出轨的原因。
- Louisiana is a southern state where blacks make up a big chunk of the Democratic primary electorate. 路易斯安那位于美国南部,黑人占了{-民-主-}党初选的大部分。
- Rising costs are denting the competitiveness of manufacturing, which makes up a big chunk of the economy. 生产成本的上涨削弱了占该国经济很大比重的制造业的竞争力。
- A glut of empty houses and flats will restrain rents, a big chunk of the consumer-price index. 空房和公寓的供应过剩将抑制房租价,房租价占消费者价格指数的一大块部分。
- In the story Royal Beatings, I use a big chunk of reality: the story of the butcher, and of the young men who may have been egged on to "get" him. 在短篇小说《皇家的鞭挞》中,我使用了大块的现实:关于屠夫的故事,那群年轻人受人耸恿想“干”掉屠夫。
- Our firm is likely to reap a big profit this year. 今年我们公司很可能获得巨额利润。
- Since September 18,1931,the large-scale invasion of Japanese imperialism has turned a big chunk of semi-colonial China into a Japanese colony. 从1931年“九.;一八”以后,日本帝国主义的大举进攻,更使已经变成半殖民地的中国的一大块土地沦为日本的殖民地。
- Michael was still quietly reasonable. "You took Freddie in because the Corleone Family gave you a big chunk of money to finish furnishing your hotel. 迈克尔仍然沉着冷静他讲道理:“你收留弗烈特,那是因为考利昂家族给了你一大笔钱,帮助你完成了那个旅社的设备。
- But just because the plant will not get about either, so a big chunk in the plant will become delicious food in animal's mouth helplessly. 然而也正因为植物不会走动,所以植物中的很大一部分会无可奈何地成为动物口中的美味佳肴。
- If you do a poor job of describing your interface, expect to see these people queued up at your desk waiting for a big chunk of your valuable time. 如果您不能够很好地描述您的接口,那就只能看着这些人在您的办公桌前排起长队,轮流浪费您宝贵的时间了。
- Spanish labour laws are too restrictive.Rising costs are denting the competitiveness of manufacturing, which makes up a big chunk of the economy. 由于西班牙劳动法巨大的限制性,不断上升的成本削弱了占该国经济很大比重的制造业的竞争力。
- The wiliness of the trematodes helps explain how they came to represent such a big chunk of the animal biomass, say the researchers. 研究人员称,吸虫的狡猾特性有助于说明它们何以在动物中占有如此巨大的数量。
- Well, you know, I won't speculate. But a lot of the other candidates rely very heavily on a lobbyist's money. It's a big chunk of their change. 嗯,你知道,我不会推测。但很多候选人非常依赖说客的钱。那将是他们变化的很大一块。
- A big ship ploughed the sea at full sail. 一艘大船张满帆在海面上破浪前进。