- You can tremble in a simulated 8.3 (Richter scale) earthquake, shiver during a perilous glacier expedition, gasp when a man-eating great white shark attacks, survive a collapsing bridge, and escape a raging King Kong. 你可能在模拟的里氏8.;3级地震中摇晃,可能在一次充满险情的冰川探险中颤抖,还可能在吃人的大白鲨进攻时急促地喘着气,也可能从正在塌下的桥梁中幸存下来,或从暴怒的金刚那儿逃脱。
- It is the most common shape, you will see, in a collapsed building. 在倒塌的建筑物里,这是最常见的外形。
- President Bush is vowing to help Minneapolis rebuild its collapsed bridge. 布什总统承诺将帮助明尼阿波利斯重建坍塌的大桥。
- The bus dropped more than 20 feet and came to rest on the guardrail of the collapsed bridge span. 巴士下坠了超过20英尺,并落在了断裂桥跨的护栏上。
- It was made into a collapsible component. 它被制成一可伸缩的部件。
- A collapse, as of a tunnel or structure. 坍陷坍陷,如隧道或建筑的塌陷
- A collapsed view of your project appears in Solution Explorer. 解决方案资源管理器中将显示您项目的折叠视图。
- But so far they have merely staved off a collapse. 但到目前为止,他们的所作所为只是避免了一次国家崩溃。
- Rescuers carry an injured quake victim from a collapsed building. 救援人员从一栋倒塌的建筑中救出了一位浑身发抖的伤者。
- Create a collapsible tree of plot ideas. 为你的计划跟腹稿创造一个可折叠的故事树。
- Good reasons abound for a collapse. 美元崩盘有着充分的理由。
- One woman trapped in a collapsed building survived for 13 days. 一名被困于坍塌建筑13天中的妇女幸存。
- President Bush is vowing to help Minneapolis ebuild this collapse bridge. 布什总统发誓要帮助明尼阿波利斯重建起这座坍塌的桥梁。
- When I was 11 years old, I was trapped inside of a collapsed building. 我11岁时,我被陷在一幢倒塌的建筑物里。
- A light carriage with two or four low wheels and a collapsible top. (带弹簧的)四轮车一种轻型马车,有两个或四个低矮的轮子以及一个可折叠的顶棚
- The tower collapsed in a heap of ruin. 那座塔倒塌了,成了一堆废墟。
- In the rubble of a collapsed building, in almost total darkness, a man lies trapped in debris. 在倒塌房屋的瓦砾中,一个人躺着被困在碎砖石堆里,周围几乎完全漆黑。
- If you add diagram effect options, they will appear in a collapsed list under the effect that you applied to the chart. 如果添加了图示效果选项,这些选项将显示于图表所应用的效果之下的折叠列表中。
- It's a bridge of steel framework. 那是座钢铁结构的桥梁。
- A collapsed fuel tank may have to be replaced, depending on how the tank deforms. 应根据油箱的变形程度,更换被压坏的燃油箱。