- You might as well go out and repossess cars or work for a collection agency. 你还不如出去收回别人的汽车或为一家收回机构工作。
- We shall be obliged to call in a collection agency to collect this sum unless you settle your account immediately. 除非你们立即结清账款,我们将不得不委托催收账款公司追回这笔欠款。
- A patient who cannot pay is turned over to a collection agency, like any other deadbeat. 付不起医疗费的病人会被转到收费办事处去,就像其他故意赖账的人一样。
- A patient who cannot pay is turned over to a collection agency,like any other deadbeat. 付不起医疗费的病人会被转到收费办事处去,就像其他故意赖账的人一样。
- It describes collection abuse, and answers such questions as whether you can be jailed for not paying a debt and what to do if you are being harassed by a collection agency. 详解何为不法的追债胁迫,回答你是否不还债就得坐牢之类的问题,并提供被追债公司恐吓时的应付之道。
- Unlike a court judgment where a claimant may need to collect the judgment through a collection agency, the Branch's investigators ensure that a restitution order to be paid by the convicted offenders. 和原告可能需要通过讨债公司追讨赔偿的法庭判决不同,消费者保护部将确保违法者支付被判定的偿还金。
- It's a collection of Chinese jade. 这是收藏的一批中国玉器。
- A collection will be made for the fund. 为筹措该基金将举行一次募捐。
- As I had no money with me, I made a collect call. 因为身上没钱,我打了一个由对方付款的电话。
- A collection of sacred writings. 宗教著作的一个合集
- They will auction off a collection of oils. 他们将拍卖一批收藏的油画。
- A collection of offerings at a religious service. 奉献金在宗教仪式上收集的捐赠
- I have a collect call from Johnson. Will you accept the charges? 约翰逊有个对方付钱的电话给你。你接吗?
- A collection of live wild animals on exhibition. 动物展览活的野生动物的展览
- A collection of related data or program records. 文件,文档相关资料或程序记录的收集
- Called collect; a collect phone call. 打对方付款电话; 对方付款电话
- A collection of people or things; a gathering. 聚会集合在一起的人或东西; 聚会
- A collection or totality; an aggregate. 聚合,堆汇合或整体; 聚合
- A member of a collection or set; a specimen. 成员,样本一群或一套中的一个; 标本
- He makes a collect call or he calls his office collect. 他往办公室打了对方付费电话。