- That's because you always take me to a noodle shop. 那是因为你总是带我去吃面条。
- Did I mention she also fixed me a noodle lunch? 差点忘了说一说她中午做的面条。
- When I got out of the jacuzzi, I was limp as a noodle. 我从浴缸里出来时,浑身酥软无力。
- The discovery was made by the son of a noodle shop owner, Kokichi Mikimoto. 发明人是一家面店老板的儿子,KOKICHI MIKIMOTO。
- The discovery was made by the son of a noodle shop owner,Kokichi Mikimoto. 发明人是一家面店老板的儿子,KOKICHI MIKIMOTO。
- A noodle shop delivery worker lured a teenager to bed by claiming he could exorcise the evil spirit he claimed was possessing her. 一名面档送外卖工人向一名青年声称可以帮她驱鬼来引诱她上床。
- Fools are called 'gobs' or 'gobby' and the victim of a joke is called a 'noodle. 有一年他邀请了3个职业迥异,在任何事情上都绝无共同兴趣的男人进餐-----因为他们每人都长着落腮胡。
- In England, jokes are played only in the morning.Fools are called 'gobs' or 'gobby' and the victim of a joke is called a 'noodle. 在法国人们把上当者称为“四月鱼”,可能是因为四月里,鱼最容易上钩的缘故吧;
- I had to give a speech to the press club. 我得向记者俱乐部发表演说。
- A noodle shop delivery worker lured a teenager to bed by claiming he could exorcise the evil irit he claimed was po e ing her. 一名面档送外卖工人向一名青年声称可以帮她驱鬼来引诱她上床。
- Add salt, pepper, after speculation in research into a noodle, and then put green onion, salt and pepper Add Flower Pig Lane leaf lard mix into paste. 花椒炒后放入盐里研成面,然后把葱花、花椒盐放入猪板油里搅匀成糊状。
- Bingbing authentic face, a noodle up to two three-inch width, length from top to bottom in 1 m thick with coins almost thick, thin as they Securidaca. 正宗的冰冰面,一根面条宽度可达二三寸,长度则在1米上下,厚度厚时与硬币差不多,薄时却如同蝉翼。
- Benguela is a noodle, do not know specifically how to write, call Benguela, very hard, to eat, not very good teeth, chewing is not moving. 格拉条是一种面条,具体怎么写不知道,都叫格拉条,很硬的,吃起来,没有很好的牙齿,是嚼不动的。
- The press has given the show a tremendous build-up. 新闻界为这一演出大造声势。
- You talk like a noodle, my friend," said Caderousse; "and here is Danglars, who is a wide-awake, clever, deep fellow, who will prove to you that you are wrong. Prove it, Danglars. “看你讲话的这个样子,真象一个呆子,朋友,”卡德鲁斯说,“这位是腾格拉尔,他是一个诡计多端的智多星,他马上就能证明你错了,证明给他看,腾格拉尔。
- The press is ready to turn out a huge new edition. 该出版社准备出一本大部头新版本。
- He lead me through mazes of street vendors selling slippers and umbrellas, brassieres and boxes full of fruit arrangements until we entered a noodle shop. 他领我穿过街上卖拖鞋雨伞胸罩和水果礼盒的小贩构成的迷阵,进入一家面馆。
- If a trick is played on you, you are a noodle In Scotland, April Fools Day is 48 hours long and you are called an April Gowk which is another name for a cuckoo bird. 这是个谎言的节日,所有的事实和假设都看起来那么可疑。你听到:"开会了",或"我请你吃饭",甚至"我爱你",都要将信将疑地问一句:是真的吗?
- "You talk like a noodle, my friend," said Caderousse;"and here is Danglars, who is a wide-awake, clever, deep fellow, who will prove to you that you are wrong.Prove it, Danglars. “看你讲话的这个样子,真象一个呆子,朋友,”卡德鲁斯说,“这位是腾格拉尔,他是一个诡计多端的智多星,他马上就能证明你错了,证明给他看,腾格拉尔。
- The press is a sentinel of our liberty. 新闻界是捍卫我们自由的卫兵。