- Having a specific order,status or place of birth. 按某排行、有某身分或于某地出生的。
- A set of members returned in a specific order. 以特定顺序返回的成员集。
- Rule lists alternate input possibilities in a specific order. 规则用特定的顺序列出了备用的输入可能性。
- A specific order forbade the existence of ships with more than two masts. 一项专门命令竟禁止保存两桅以上的船舶。
- The chaffinch has three or four songs and produces them in a specific order. 苍头燕雀合唱三、四种歌,唱的时候按着一定的先后次序。
- Both represent sequences of instructions that must execute in a specific order. 二者都表示必须按特定顺序执行的指令序列。
- Conjunctions and disjunctions must be specified in a specific order and in a specific way in a recursive grammar. 合取和析取必须在递归文法中以特定的顺序和特定方式进行指定。
- An ordered test contains other tests that you want to run in a specific order. 顺序测试包含要以特定顺序运行的其他测试。
- Array members are copied in a specific order so that the other side can reconstruct the array exactly. 以特定顺序复制数组成员,以便另一方可以精确地重新构造该数组。
- Each queue represents a logical set of messages that a transport server processes in a specific order. 每个队列代表传输服务器按照特定顺序处理的逻辑邮件集。
- When playing complex media, each sound and video sample must be played in a specific order at a specific time. 当播放复合媒体的时候,每个声音样本和图象样本必须在指定的时间按照指定的秩序播放。
- Operators in an expression are evaluated in a specific order known as operator precedence. 表达式中的运算符按照称为运算符优先级的特定顺序计算。
- The SMTP session has a series of events that work together in a specific order to validate the contents of a message before it is accepted into the organization. SMTP会话包含一系列以特定顺序协同工作的事件,在接受邮件进入组织之前,可使用这些事件验证邮件内容。
- There is a specific tool for each job. 各工种配备特定的工具。
- The layered approach to reducing spam refers to the configuration of several anti-spam and antivirus features that filter inbound messages in a specific order. 减少垃圾邮件的分层途径是指几个按特定顺序筛选入站邮件的反垃圾邮件及防病毒功能配置。
- You should use this method to free the underlying COM object that holds references to resources in a timely manner or when objects must be freed in a specific order. 应及时(或者在对象按指定的顺序必须释放时)使用此方法,来释放引用某些资源的基础COM对象。
- Quinine is a specific for malaria. 奎宁是治疗疟疾的特效药。
- One who lacks knowledge in a specific area. 门外汉缺乏某一特定领域知识的人,某科知识的门外汉
- One generation of a specific lineage. 一代家族某种特殊世家的后代
- A specific, often oversimplified category. 分类特定的、通常是粗略的分类