- That fashion is a survival from the 1930s. 那种时装是三十年代的遗风。
- The old man is a survival of the past age. 这老人乃上一个时代的遗老。
- The custom is a survival from the past. 这种风俗是从过去沿袭下来的。
- The old man was a survival of a past age. 这位老人是上一代的遗老。
- That fashion is a survival from the 1970s. 那种式样是七十年代的遗风。
- Yep. For elephants, memory is a survival tool. 是的。对于大象来说,记忆是生存工具。
- The use of ashes in church is a survival from an ancient rite. 教堂使用灰烬是一种古代仪式的遗留物。
- He also unties ties parachute harness “to float” himself in airborne, a while stands upside down, a while revolving, makes each kind of movement as far as possible, realized the body “floats” feeling. 他还解开束缚带让自己“漂”在空中,一会儿倒立,一会儿旋转,尽可能做各种动作,体会身体“漂”的感受。
- Think of yourself as a survivor, not a victim. 把自己看作幸运儿,不要看作受害者。
- I am a survivor living in New York City. 奈维尔,我是一个生活在纽约市的幸存者,
- In other words,it must have a survival advantage for the species. 换句话说,笑对于物种而言一定有助于其生存的优点。
- As a survivor of you, how to adjust themselves? 身为幸存者的你,该如何自我调整呢?
- The ceremony is a survival from pre-Christian times. 这种仪式是从公元前遗留下来的。
- In other words, it must have a survival advantage for the spedes. 换句话说,笑对于物种而言一定有助于其生存的优点。
- Bottom line: GM is scrambling to find a survival plan. 最终目的是:想出一个让通用免去垂死挣扎的生存方案。
- So, a cryonics contract is far short of a survival guarantee. 所以,一个冷冻复苏合同对生存保障来说仍然远远不够。
- He was a survival from the days when Gile's father held the homestead. 他是当初还由基尔的父亲掌管家业那个时代的一个幸存者。
- My name is Robert Neville, I am a survivor living in New York City. 我的名字是罗伯特奈维尔,是一名居住在纽约市的幸存者。
- You don't have to worry about me, I went on a survival course in Siberia. 不要担心我,我在西伯利亚受过野外生存训练。
- He was a survival from the days when Gile's father held the homestead . 他是当初还由基尔的父亲掌管家业那个时代的一个幸存者。