- The War of 1812 likewise found the United States with a weak army and navy. 一八一二年的战争发生的时候,美国的陆海军仍旧都很脆弱。
- In order to defeat a strong army, a weak army must carefully choose favourable terrain as a battleground. 弱军要战胜强军,是不能不讲求阵地这个条件的。
- In order to defeat a strong army,a weak army must carefully choose favourable terrain as a battleground. 弱军要战胜强军,是不能不讲求阵地这个条件的。
- No previous theorist or practitioner of war has ever denied that this is the policy a weak army fighting a strong army must adopt in the initial stage of a war. 从前的军事理论家和实际家也无不承认这是弱军对强军作战时在战争开始阶段必须采取的方针。
- Another essential condition for a weak army fighting a strong one is to pick out the enemy's weaker units for attack. 弱军对于强军作战的再一个必要条件,就是拣弱的打。
- We have always advocated the policy of "luring the enemy in deep",precisely because it is the most effective military policy for a weak army strategically on the defensive to employ against a strong army. 我们历来主张“诱敌深入”,就是因为这是战略防御中弱军对强军作战的最有效的军事政策。
- We have always advocated the policy of "luring the enemy in deep", precisely because it is the most effective military policy for a weak army strategically on the defensive to employ against a strong army. 我们历来主张“诱敌深入”,就是因为这是战略防御中弱军对强军作战的最有效的军事政策。
- He cannot run because he has a weak heart. 他有心脏病,不能跑。
- A fearful person is a weak person. 怕这怕那的人是软弱的人。
- In a weak moment, I agreed to pay for her holiday. 我一时心软同意了支付她度假的费用。
- He pushed a weak student through the exam. 他帮助一位成绩差的学生通过了考试。
- He will be considered a weak leader. 他会被认为是个软弱无能的领导人。
- The story is flawed by a weak ending. 这个故事因结尾写得马虎而显得逊色了。
- Jane sends her regards. She has always had a weak spot for you. 简捎信问候你,她总是特别喜爱你。
- The country suffered years of misrule under a weak king. 该国因国王懦弱而长期混乱不治。
- She has a weak [good] digestion. 她的消化力弱[强]。
- With such a weak heart she was lucky to come through (the operation). 她心脏很弱,(手术後)能活下来就是万幸。
- Climbing stairs is a tax on a weak heart. 爬楼梯对于心脏功能不强的人来说是一个沉重的负担。
- No one would take Susan as a weak person. 谁也不会把苏珊当成一个软弱可欺的人。
- A weak bench hurt their chances for championship. 他们因后备运动员力量不足而妨碍了夺魁。