- By abstention from incontinence, energy is acquired. 依欲念的归顺(不纵情)而获得精力(灵性能力)的增长。
- Partial or complete abstention from sexual activity. 节制性欲部分或完全地避免性行为
- When abstention from theft is perfected, the yogi can have whatever he desires. 当偷窃的观念消除而趋于完美时,修持者将获得满足。
- The new drug is derived from fish oil. 这种新药是从鱼油中提炼出来的。
- Still, these centenarians are non-picky eater, and abstention from food. 同时,这些百岁老人的日常饮食基本都有节制,不挑食。
- But tetrapods, which evolved from fish, did. 但是从鱼类进化而来的四足动物却有手指。
- Abstention from drinking and smoking is the only way to improve your poor health. 戒掉烟酒是改变你不良健康状况的唯一途径。
- When abstention from avarice is perfected, there comes an understanding of the law of rebirth. 当贪妄消除而趋于完美时,生命的悟性将得以再生。
- He cited the reasons Behind President Roosevelt's abstention from war prior to the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor. 他列举了罗斯福在日本偷袭珍珠港以前避免参战的原故。
- Harmlessness, truth to all beings, abstention from theft, from incontinence and from avarice, constitute yama or the five commandments. 不杀生、不妄语、不偷窃,不放纵、不贪求为五大根本戒。
- But his abstentious parishioners, who could accept abstention from all alcohol, could not abstain from living without owning people. 然而他的有节制的教区居民们,虽可以接受戒酒,却不能在生活中戒掉不拥有人。
- The root of self-restraint or abstention from sensual pleasures is good conduct;and both self-restraint and good conduct are dependent on chastity. 能够根植不移的在肉体欢愉这一点上自我约束和节制是一种良好的操行,而自制和良好的操行都依赖贞节。
- For those who take an oath for abstention from their wives, a waiting for four months is ordained; if then they return, Allah is Oft-forgiving, Most Merciful. 盟誓不与妻子交接的人,当期待四个月;如果他们回心转意,那末,真主确是至赦的,确是至慈的。
- Wetlands are full of vegetation that feeds everything from fish to people. 湿地丰富的植被可养活从鱼到人的所有的生物。
- Dunno. I was asking what London had to offer apart from fish and chips. 不知道。我是想问,伦敦除了炸鱼和薯条还有什麽?
- The basic scene is that wives of fishermen are greeting the return of their husbands from fishing. 场景的基本构成是渔家女人风风光光迎接她们的男人们打渔归来。
- Nonviolence is not just abstention from war, fighting, or animal flesh. It is abstention from negative thoughts and negative speech. 非暴力不只是对战争、打斗、或肉的禁绝,更是对一切负面思想及言语的舍弃。
- The greatest threat to the grey nurse shark is from fishing and accidental hooking, and shark finning. 灰鲨常因捕鱼、误入鱼钩和猎鲨鳍活动中丧命。
- For residents in the three counties, the smoking rate was 28.67%, while the rate of abstention from smoking 17.31%, and the drinking rate 50.24%. 三县区居民的吸烟率为28.;67%25;戒烟率为17
- The Kalu\'ak(Both) - The tuskarr are a tough but peaceful people who derive their livelihood from fishing and whaling. 中立):图斯卡海象人是一个长相粗野但是爱好和平的民族。他们以捕鱼捕鲸为生。