- To use flattery or cajolery to achieve one's ends. 哄骗用花言巧语或哄骗以达到个人目的
- One often has to work hard and be persistent to achieve one's goal. 若要达到目标,就得努力工作,持之以恒。
- Using hush money in achieving one' s personal goal is unethical. (想要达到个人目标而秘密行贿,是不道德的。
- An event in which four swimmers compete together as a team to achieve one time. 一种比赛,这种比赛由四名游泳运动员编为一个组一起参赛,记录一个时间。
- Achieving one of his top tax priorities? 完成他的一项最高财务优先权?
- Gamma currently is an IBM Distinguished Engineer at IBM's Object Technology International (OTI) lab in Zurich, Switzerland. Gamma目前是IBM对象技术国际实验室杰出的工程师,该实验室位于瑞士的苏黎世地区。
- Typically, enterprises launch a number of initiatives that proceed in parallel to achieve one or more of these goals. 企业启动许多并行进行的计划来实现一个或多个目标。
- Subsystem achieve one or more interfaces, the definition of these interfaces can be implemented subsystem behavior. 子系统实现一个或多个接口,这些接口定义子系统可以执行的行为。
- Without having to deal with the trauma1 of severe competition, one can nonetheless struggle hard to achieve one's own professional goals. 你无需应付激烈竞争带来的精神冲击,反而可以努力奋斗实现自己的职业目标。
- Changing or supplementing executed object is the result of judication effectiveness"s objective scope"s expansion. 变更、追加被执行主体是既判力主观范围扩张的结果;
- The energy conservation and the audit employs two methods to achieve one goal, is best dual cuts down on expenditures the measure. 能源保存和审计雇佣两方法达到一目标,是顺而下有关费用最好双的切口措施能量守恒和审计使用二个方法达到一个目标,最好是减少开支。
- Using hush money in achieving one's personal goal is unethical. 想要达到个人目标而秘密行贿,是不道德的。
- When each day is ended, not regarding whether it has been a success or a failure, I will attempt to achieve one more sale. 过去的是非成败,我全不计较,只抱定信念,明天会更好。
- Stahl s objective is to achieve the highest customer service level through on-time delivery of innovative quality products and processes while operating safely and in harmony with the environment. 斯特尔的目标是以最优质的服务提供富有创意的产品及工艺体系,以符合客户不断提高的对于生产安全及环保等方面的要求。
- It has do not show off at the cypher after Lilliputian achieve one's ambition, have not after beggar rise to power and position spend money like water. 它有别于小人得志后的自鸣炫耀,有别于乞丐发迹后的一掷千金。
- The DOT's objection to Mr Reid, a respected veteran in the industry, because he might be beholden to foreign interests looks particularly meddlesome. 里德是行业中德高望重的前辈,交通部反对他的理由仅仅是认为他可能对外国企业心存感激,现在看来这是十足的狗拿耗子。
- FAPO's objectives are to increase the quality and the quantity of accessions from USMA and ROTC. FA支持处(FAPO)的目标是提高从美国陆军军官学校和后备军官训练团招募到的人员的数量和质量。
- Designer John Truex clearly feels my pain and thinks life’s objects should be more adaptable. 他那被称为“集合桌”的可伸展式滑动咖啡桌正体现乐我们伸缩自如的生活方式。
- It will lower the result"s objectivity if factors which can be quantitated are qualitatively evaluated. 将可以量化的要素进行定性评价,会影响评价结果的客观性;
- Achieve one of the coal throughput of 16.13 million tons, up 180%; container finish 650,000 TEU, up 44.4 percent, almost equivalent to the first decade of the sum of container throughput. 其中煤炭完成吞吐量1613万吨,同比增长180%25;集装箱完成65万TEU,同比增长44.;4%25,几乎相当于前十年集装箱吞吐量的总和。