
['ækʃn]     ['ækʃn]    
  • n. 行为;活动;措施;效用;交战;情节;事件;姿态;起诉;机能



n. (名词)
  1. 行动,行动过程
  2. 积极的活动
  3. 行为,举止,日常表现
  4. 作用,功能
  5. 动作,姿势,步态
  6. 活动部件,机械装置
  7. 情节,剧情细节,情节发展,细节组合
  8. 战斗,作战
  9. 诉讼,诉讼权,决定
  10. (图画、雕塑等的)动态
  11. 行情,商情
  12. <口>赌注,赌博
  13. <美俚>性交
  14. 劳工行动
v. (动词)
  1. 起诉,对...提起诉讼
  2. 采取适当行动,对...进行处理


n. (名词)
  1. [U]行动; 行为过程 the process of doing sth in order to make sth happen or to deal with a situation
  2. [C]所做之事; 行为 a thing that sb does; sth done
  3. [U]〈非正〉激动人心的事 exciting events; all the exciting or important events that happen in a particular situation or place
  4. [U](故事,戏剧等中的)情节 the events in a story, play, etc.
  5. [U][C]战斗; 作战 fighting in a battle a war
  6. [U](一种物质或化学品对另一种所起的)作用 the effect that one substance or chemical has on another
v. (动词)
  1. vt. 采取行动; 采取措施 take appropriate steps to make sure that sth is done or dealt with


  1. something done (usually as opposed to something said);

    "there were stories of murders and other unnatural actions"

  2. the state of being active;

    "his sphere of activity"
    "he is out of action"

  3. a military engagement;

    "he saw action in Korea"

  4. a process existing in or produced by nature (rather than by the intent of human beings);

    "the action of natural forces"
    "volcanic activity"

  5. the series of events that form a plot;

    "his novels always have a lot of action"

  6. the trait of being active and energetic and forceful;

    "a man of action"

  7. the operating part that transmits power to a mechanism;

    "the piano had a very stiff action"

  8. a judicial proceeding brought by one party against another; one party prosecutes another for a wrong done or for protection of a right or for prevention of a wrong

  9. an act by a government body or supranational organization;

    "recent federal action undermined the segregationist position"
    "the United Nations must have the power to propose and organize action without being hobbled by irrelevant issues"
    "the Union action of emancipating Southern slaves"

  10. the most important or interesting work or activity in a specific area or field;

    "the action is no longer in technology stocks but in municipal bonds"
    "gawkers always try to get as close to the action as possible"

  1. institute legal proceedings against; file a suit against;

    "He was warned that the district attorney would process him"
    "She actioned the company for discrimination"

  2. put in effect;

    "carry out a task"
    "execute the decision of the people"
    "He actioned the operation"



用作名词 (n.)
  1. There is no denying that your action has affected her normal life.
  2. After the security incident, you should create an action report that includes three simple goals.
  3. The government finally took some actions because the public had been pressing for inquiry into the question.
  4. The medicine will not take action until two hours later.
  5. The action lasted three hours and caused great casualties.
  6. In Scene 1, the action takes place in an expensive restaurant.
  7. The action took place in a seaside village.
  8. She had a fine action while dancing ballet.
  9. Finally she had to file an action for divorce.
  10. The action of your heart is perfect.


用作名词 (n.)
a piece〔slice〕 of the action
    (为获得利益)参与某事involvement in some enterprise, especially in order to get a share of the profits
bring an action (against sb)
    起诉(某人) start a legal process against sb
in action
    正在做擅长的事; 正在做训练的事doing what you are good at or what you are trained to do
into action
    付诸实施into operation or a typical activity
out of action
    不再运转,失去效用 no longer able to operate or function; not working
put sth into action
    把某事物付诸实施 start using sth such as a plan or idea
see action
    参加战斗 take part in military fighting
take action
    采取行动,行动起来do sth in response to what has happened
where the action is
    〈美·非正〉热闹〔享乐,有利可图等〕的地方any place where life is thought to be busy, enjoyable, profitable, etc.


用作名词 (n.)
动词+~ 形容词+~ 名词+~ ~+名词 介词+~ ~+介词


  • The corrosive action of copperas.

    出自: Joyce
  • Trust the man who hesitates in his speech and is quick and steady in action.

    出自: G. Santayana
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