- Electromagnetic Activity Receiver 电磁作用接收器
- Please put the receiver back after calling. 打完电话后,请把听筒放回原位。
- Pick up the receiver and deposit a coin in the slot. 拿起听筒之后,放一个硬币在这个小口子里。
- The activity receives active support of almost every member of the two school section and owing to effective dissemination, it attracts many other students. 本次活动得到了俱乐部两个校区几乎所有会员的大力支持,并且由于前期的宣传工作到位,吸引了很多俱乐部以外同学的积极参与。
- Functioning as a receiver; receptive. 接受的起收受容纳作用的; 愿意接受的
- Their business has failed and is in the hands of the receiver. 他们的公司垮了,现在由破产管理人管理。
- We didn't have a receiver sensitive enough to pick up the signal. 我们的接收器不够灵敏,未能收到这个信号。
- He forgot to cradle the telephone receiver when he finished. 他打完电话忘记把听筒搁在支架上。
- Mr. Jones will act as receiver for the company that has failed in business. 琼斯先生将作为那个破产公司破产的清算管理人。
- The company is in the hand of the receiver. 公司由破产事务官司接管。
- Time's up. I have to hang up the receiver now. 时间到了,我必须挂断电话了。
- Analysis of Short-Wave Active Receiving Antenna 短波有源接收天线的分析
- In PL / 1, the activation of a procedure. 在pl/1语言中,一个过程的激活。
- I picked up the receiver as soon as the phone rang. 电话铃一响,我就拿起话筒。
- Activation state of the event provider. 事件提供程序的激活状态。
- When he sees me, he has just let down the receiver. 当他看见我的时候,他就放下了听筒。
- Are activation and registration the same thing? 激活和注册是一样的吗?
- No activation is needed to use this function. 使用此功能无需预先设置。
- Didn't receive an activation email? 没有收到激活邮件?
- Use voice activation to make calls. 利用声控拨号。