- They stopped for a while to admire the scenery. 他们停了一会儿来欣赏风景。
- I envy Mike, whose car is fancy. 真羡慕麦克,他的车子真漂亮。
- I admire him for his grim courage. 我佩服他的坚韧不拔的勇气。
- He's the envy of the whole street. 整条街的人都很羡慕他。
- I cannot but admire his wise plan. 我不得不赞美他的计划。
- He was filled with envy at my success. 他对我的成功满怀羡慕。
- I admire him for his success in business. 我佩服他事业有成。
- The boy's new toy was the envy of his friends. 这男孩的新玩具使他的朋友们很羡慕。
- They admire her alabaster complexion. 他们羡慕她那白润光滑的肌肤。
- Her many talents were the envy of all her friends. 她多才多艺,所有的朋友都很羡慕她。
- I really admire the fineness of his speech. 我很佩服他出色的演讲。
- His success made his opponent broil with envy. 他的成功使他的对手妒火中烧。
- His talent is the envy of his colleagues. 他的同事都羡慕他的才能。
- I admire the priest's dedication. 我钦佩这位牧师的奉献精神。
- I really admire her--she's so full of zap! 我真佩服她--精力那么充沛!
- We admire her for her diplomatic tact. 我们佩服她的外交手腕。
- We all admire their dogged efforts. 我们都很钦佩他们坚持不懈的努力。
- I dislike him personally, but I admire his art. 我不喜欢他的为人,但我钦佩他的艺术。
- I admire her sinewy prose style. 我钦佩她那强劲有力的散文风格。
- We admire him for his righteousness. 我们钦佩他的正直。