- I adopted two orphans from the orphanage. 我从孤儿院认养了两名孤儿。
- She adopted,in 1974,two orphans children,Amy and Joanna. 1974年,她收养了两个孤儿,Amy和Joanna。
- She adopted, in 1974, two orphans children, Amy and Joanna. 1974年,她收养了两个孤儿,amy和Joanna。
- The two orphans,Rose and Oliver, led lives that were truely happy. 两个孤儿,罗斯和奥利弗,过着真正幸福的生活。
- Adopt two cast steel rods,which connect the down cutter part. 采用两个铸钢连杆,连接下节切刀部件。
- But how can two orphans overthrow an entire army of freakishly massive ants? 从母乳喂养和宝宝的日常护理到婴儿抚触及营养膳食。
- The quartet all cuddle under the wings of the stuffed toy, which has been mother to another two orphans who have since been moved on to an outside pen. 四个猫头鹰都簇拥在这个布猫头鹰翅膀下。这个毛绒玩具还是令两个被放入小动物围养栏的孤儿动物的母亲。
- The main parts of an apparatus of the circuitry adopt import product,the key control chip adopt two layers CPU. 电路主要器件采用原装进口,主控制芯片采用双层CPU.
- Methods: Adopt two methods to extract Saponin and polysaccharides, determine the quantity of them with colorimetry. 方法:用两种方法提取制备黄芪皂苷和黄芪多糖,比色法分别测定其含量。
- They adopted two children from Nicaragua. 他们从尼加拉瓜收养了两个孩子。
- The family adopted two children as their own. 这家人收养了两个孩子。
- Adopt two years of practice, in precautionary patient " inobservant doctor's advice " respect, preliminary control a few effective.. 通过两年实践,在预防病人“不遵守医嘱”方面,初步把握了一些有效的...
- The empty space processing , adopt two to the brake block excircle fixes position , pressure board speeds up carrying out treating. 对于刹车片的外圆加工,采用两空定位,压板加紧进行加工。
- Vacuum circuit breaker with permanent magnetic actuator adopt two steady state two coil configuration, which is developed by many big companies include ABB. 摘要ABB等诸多大公司研制的永磁机构真空断路器,大多采用双稳态双线圈结构。
- Thisessay decide to adopt two layer control structures,which is “setpoint controlcircuit+RBF nerual network system” and connecting to the High Bus of theDCS. 采用“定值控制回路+RBF神经网络”两层控制结构,并通过接口外挂于水泥窑集散控制系统的高速数据通道上,实现窑的综合优化控制。
- Having no children of their own they decided to adopt an orphan. 他们因没有亲生儿女,所以决定领养一个孤儿。
- The Hollywood hunk adopted two children with ex-wife Nicole Kidman. 克鲁斯在与妮可·德曼的那段婚姻中就收养了两个孩子。
- To spark our economy into resuming its growth and to help us chart a course for our longer term development,we have to adopt two key initiatives. First,we must work to maintain Hong Kong's status as an international trading centre. 无论是为了谋求今日走出低谷,还是为了策划我们未来的长远发展,香港经济主要出路在两方面:第一,是要致力保持香港作为国际商业都会的地位。
- Methods: To adopt two - steps making grains, film solution making grains and film solution two - steps making grains, and to inspect stiking, picking and quality of ibuprofen tablets. 方法:采用二步制粒法、薄膜液制粒法、薄膜液二步制粒法3种新工艺,进行小样及中试,考察粘冲情况及质量数据。
- Now the various countries mainly adopt two kinds of prosecutions patterns: One is the appeal monopolism,that is only the government can sued the criminal offender and the victim has no right to sue. 当今世界各国主要采取两种起诉模式:一是公诉垄断主义,即刑事追诉权统一由国家专门机关负责,被害人自己无权行使起诉权。