- He fathered a daughter at the age of fifty. 他五十岁时生下一个女儿。
- He took up herpetology at the age of fifty. 他50岁时开始从事爬虫学。
- I want to retire at the age of fifty. 我想在五十岁时退休。
- He reemerged as the highest leader at the age of fifty. 他五十岁时东山再起,成为最高领袖。
- Ill health obliged him to retire at the age of fifty two . 身体不健康使他不得不在52岁时退休了。
- It's late in life to embark on a new career at the age of fifty. 岁时要开始一种新的生涯为时已晚。
- Ill health obliged him to retire at the age of fifty two. 身体不健康使他不得不在52岁时退休了。
- The typical vascular dementia patient is male, and over the age of fifty. 血管性痴呆患者多为50岁以上的男性。
- I like convent,but I wish they will not admit any women under the age of fifty. 我喜欢女修道院,但希望其不至收容年龄五十以下之妇人。
- Cancer of the prostate usually develops in men over the age of fifty. 前列腺癌通常发生在50岁以上的男性身上。
- Though nearly at the age of fifty, he still retains childlike innocence. 他虽年近半百,但仍童心未泯。
- I like convent but I wish they will not admit any women under the age of fifty. 朕喜欢女修道院,其不至收容年龄五十以下之妇人。
- I like convents,but I wish they wouldn't admit any women under the age of fifty. 朕喜爱女修道院,惟望其不至收容年龄五十以下之妇人。
- I like convent but I wish they will not admit any women under the age of fifty . 朕喜欢女修道院,其不至收容年龄五十以下之妇人。
- A person may be thrown on the scrap heap by the age of fifty when many of the best years are still ahead. 人们在五十岁时候可以被掷进废品堆,而那时他最好的工作岁月还有很多。
- I like convents, but I wish they wouldn't admit any women under the age of fifty. 朕喜爱女修道院,惟望其不至收容年龄五十以下之妇人。
- Suiren Shi,a tribal chieftain during the stone age of fifty thousand years ago,is also the case with others. 距今约五万年前进入到“晚期智人”(新人)阶段后,氏族首领也是如此,燧人氏为新石器时代早期的氏族首领。
- This is especially true for most males, whose sexual capacity, motivation, and performance noticeably diminish after the age of fifty. 尤其对大多数男性更是如此,他们的性能力、性动机和性行动在50岁后显著地降低或减少。
- At the age of fifty, he left the monastery to begin missionary work in Europe, where entire regions had lapsed into paganism. 50岁的时候他离开了修道院,开始在陷入异教的欧洲大陆上传福音。
- He retired at the age of fifty. 他五十岁时退休了。