- Shihezi Agricultural Reclamation Areas 石河子垦区
- Water Conservancy Reduce Disaster System and Experience in Heilongjiang Agricultural Reclamation Area 黑龙江垦区水利减灾体系建设的成效与基本经验
- Flax is a main crop in the adjustment of agricultural planting structure in reclamation areas,2/3 of the total flax area in Heilongjiang Province was concen trated in these areas. 亚麻是黑龙江省垦区农业种植结构调整的主要作物,现亚麻种植面积占全省的2/。
- The Panel passed a motion on the land uses of the reclamation area under Central Reclamation Phase III at the meeting. 事务委员会于会议席上通过一项关于中环填海第III期的填海范围的土地用途。
- Forty or fifty years ago, while the agricultural reclamation soldiers of the Corps and their family staff came to Xinjiang, wasteland and weeds were everywhere. 四五十年前,当兵团的农垦战士和家属职工到新疆时,到处是荒地、草。
- The space-time variation of the typical elements content in covering soil of coal mine reclamation area. 矿山复垦土壤典型元素时空变化研究。
- The Government drew up the minimum reclamation option, which proposed to reduce the reclamation area to 23 hectares. 当局订出最小填海范围方案,提出把填海面积减至23公顷。
- The reasonable configuration of land resources in reclamation area is one of important contents in land reclamation plan. 摘要复垦区土地资源的合理配置,是土地复垦规划的重要内容之一。
- Strategy proposing " making the large reclamation area of Shihezi " in the Tenth Five-Year Plan of Party Committee of the XPCC. 兵团党委在“十五”计划中提出了“做大石河子垦区”的战略。
- The target is a the biggest industry that suckles reclamation area of Heibei of building of course of study, implementation grandma course of study spans type develops. 目标是把奶业建成河北垦区的第一大产业 ,实现奶业跨越式发展。
- Considering the reclamation area that think of cogongrass each economic gross is very small, if sheet relies on which farm,will assume development is competent hard. 考虑到思茅垦区各场的经济总量都很小 ,假如单靠哪一个农场来承担开发是难以胜任的。
- Reclamation area is carried out all has cent, all branch union, " ranch covers smallholding " the history that double deck manages system to already had more than 10 years. 垦区推行有统有分、统分结合、“大农场套小农场”的双层经营体制已有十余年的历史。
- Those who face reclamation area paddy to produce development rate is fast, the great topological features of the area, water already became the limitative factor that its develop. 面对垦区水稻生产发展速度之快,面积之大的形势,水已成为其发展的限制因素。
- The PLP in general has gained wide support from the public. In particular,the further reduction in the total reclamation area to some 133 hectares and the adoption of environmentally friendly measures have been welcomed by the public. 初步发展蓝图获得广大市民支持,其中把填海面积减少至约133公顷和设置各种环保设施的建议更深受各界欢迎。
- In the reclamation areas live Muslims,Buddhists,Protestants and Catholics. The population of Muslims is over 250,000. 收复地居住的主要有伊斯兰教、佛教、基督教和天主教等教徒。信仰伊斯兰教的少数民族人口约25万人。
- The PLP in general has gained wide support from the public. In particular, the further reduction in the total reclamation area to some 133 hectares and the adoption of environmentally friendly measures have been welcomed by the public. 初步发展蓝图获得广大市民支持,其中把填海面积减少至约133公顷和设置各种环保设施的建议更深受各界欢迎。
- Analysis is then made to demonstrate that Tamar at the Central & Wanchai reclamation area, the former British Naval base and the last piece of open site on the Hong Kong island, is the most suitable location for the new city centre. 本文继而分析新都市中心之最适当地点是前英国海军基地、现时香港岛最后一块临海空间、位于中环湾仔填海区之添马舰地带;
- The reclamation area of the Project is 2,550 m2.Together with pontoon moorings, it provides a total area 3,500 m2 of foreshore beyond the existing eastern limit of the Hebe Haven Yacht Club. 工程项目的填海面积为2,550平方米,再加上停船处,在白沙湾游艇会现有东面沿岸地方合共提供3,500平方米的前滨地方。
- That state is classed as an agricultural area. 该州被划为农业区。