- She had no tolerance for jokes of any kind. 她容不得开任何玩笑。
- Smokers develop a great tolerance for nicotine. 吸烟者对尼古丁产生了极大的忍受力。
- You've got to have tolerance for ambiguity. 你必须为不明确有宽容。
- There was no tolerance for anyone who broke ranks. 对溃逃者决不宽容。
- To have tolerance for(a substance or pathogen. 有耐药力(对某种物质或病原)具有耐性
- One is a tolerance for solitude. 其一是耐得住寂寞。
- To have tolerance for(a substance or pathogen). 有耐药力(对某种物质或病原)具有耐性
- Please excuse me.; Please show tolerance for it. 请你担待一下。
- Some children have a low tolerance for boredom. 一些孩子很难忍受无聊。
- Works to achieve a Zero Tolerance for defects. 保持产品缺陷达到零偏差。
- Google has had a high tolerance for state meddling. 谷歌此前对政府干预的容忍度很高。
- The "Angle tolerance "indicates until which angle the machine should work as if it were a straight line. 角度公差是指机器好像在作直线运动的最大角度。
- The usual tolerance for steel plates of this thickness is 1/8 inch. 这样厚的钢板通常公差是八分之一寸。
- Roughness,angle tolerance,parallelism,size and center deviation all in conformity with the drawing provided by our clents. 光洁度、角度、光学平行差、中心偏差、几何尺寸等根据客户图纸要求;
- A wise man develops tolerance for other people's opinions. 一个聪明的人要能够容忍别人的意见。
- Plesae mark item No., Specifications and tolerance for order. 订货时请注明:产品编号、直径、宽度。
- The parting line tolerance for gib installation is +.000/-.002. 安装导板的分模线公差为+.;000/-
- self-correcting ahead angle guidance 自动调整提前角导引
- Turn the volume down, please.I have little tolerance for noise. 请把音量关小,我对噪音的忍耐力是有限的。
- He had infinit patienc and toler for t hose who disagre with him. 按直线展开 , 层层深入 , 辅助句紧扣中心思想。