- The film shattered all previous box office records. 这部电影打破了以往所有的票房纪录。
- All previous ill will has been removed. 前嫌尽释。
- The figure for mugging have set a new record or have break all previous record. 行凶抢劫的数字创造了新记录或者打破了过去的记录。
- The new rule overrides all previous ones. 新规则取代了以前所有的规则。
- Remarriage would revoke all previous wills. 再婚会使原有的一切遗嘱失效。
- All previous laws were cancelled and declared null. 所有先前法律被取消并被宣布无效。
- This year's trade surplus surpasses those of all previous years. 今年的贸易盈余超过以往任何一年的盈余。
- This work greatly exceeded in accuracy all previous work. 这个工作的精确度大大超过了所有以前的工作。
- Kepler's conclusions upset all previous ideas on the subject. 刻卜勒的结论推翻了关于这个问题的一切过时的观点。
- The college will need to inspect all previous academic records. 这所大学需要检查以前所有的学业成绩。
- Receptionist: You can fill out this form listing all previous experience. 接待员:请你请填写这张表格,列出所有工作经验。
- To its state before the merge and nullifying all previous merge operations. 还原到合并之前的状态,并使以前的所有合并操作无效。
- All previous ill will has been removed.; We have agreed to bury the hatchet. 前嫌尽释。
- This NACE standard updates and supersedes all previous editions of MR0103. 本标准更新和取代MR0103以前的所有版本。
- All previous ill will has been removed. or We have agreed to bury the hatchet. 前嫌尽释。
- The standard on the rings today was the highest of all previous championships. 今天吊环决赛是历届体操锦标赛中最高水准的角逐。
- Clear all previously saved form passwords? 清除以前保存的所有密码?
- This stark fact goes so far beyond all previous human experience that no social machinery exists to cope with it. 赤裸裸的事实远远超出人类以往所有的经验以致没有现存的社会机构对付得了当前的情况。
- All previous historical movements were movements of minorities, or in the interests of minorities. 过去的一切运动都是少数人的或者为少数人谋利益的运动。
- Aptitude clean will remove all previously downloaded package files. 将会清除之前所下载的所有套件档。