- I enjoyed the sunrise by the seaside. 我喜欢海边的日出。
- A good walk by the sea or along the cliffs every day would do you a world of good. 每日在海滨或悬崖边漫步,会给你带来无限好处。
- While some storms are diverted to the sea by the mountains along the valleys of the Hudson and the St.Lawrence,others unaccountably soar over the wall. 尽管有一些暴风雨被大山挡住去路后经哈得逊流域和圣劳伦斯流域进入洋面,另一些暴风雨却莫名其妙地逾越这座屏障呼啸而过。
- A week by the sea will soon set you right again. 在海边呆上1个星期,就可以使你的身体迅速复原。
- The children plumped for a holiday by the sea. 孩子们特别想去海边度假。
- She promenaded the children along the sea front after lunch. 她午饭后领著孩子们沿著海滨区散步。
- My aunt runs a hotel by the seaside. 我姑妈在海边开了一家旅馆。
- The rocks were worn away by the sea. 岩石受海浪冲蚀。
- He used to promenade his child along the seaside after supper. 过去他常在晚饭后带着孩子在海滨散步。
- He used to promenade his child along the seaside after supper . 过去他常在晚饭后带着孩子在海滨散步。
- We've taken on a house along the seaside for the summer. 我们为度夏在海边租了一幢房子。
- The new aircraft carrier was officially launched into the sea by the queen. 这艘新航空母舰由王后正式下令下海使用。
- I picked plenty of colorful clam shells along the seaside. 我在海边捡了好多彩色蚌壳。
- We parked the car by the sea and it got covered with spray. 我们把汽车停在海边,结果车上全是水沫。
- The erosion of the coastline by the sea was ignored by people. 海水对海岸的冲刷被人们忽视了。
- The sound of seagulls carried her back to childhood holidays by the sea. 她听到海鸥的叫声就回忆起童年时在海边度假的情景。
- We spent our summer holidays by the seaside. 我们在海边度过了暑假。
- I recollect the days passed by the seaside. 我回想起了当初在海边度过的日子。
- The road runs for many miles by the sea. 这条公路沿着海边延伸好些英里。
- The sea is gaining on the land along the coast. 海水在侵蚀着海岸。